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Nuclear fusion: the future of energy?
03 Mar 2022
Will nuclear fusion be the energy provider of the future? Joint European Torus breaks record and paves the way for ITER.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Creation-based conservation for the Red Panda
02 Mar 2022
Can creation-based conservation provide a better solutions than evolution-based attempts?
by Matthew Cserhati
Biggest ichthyosaur ever found in the UK!
01 Mar 2022
The largest and most complete fossil ichthyosaur skeleton ever found in the UK is best explained as evidence of catastrophic burial during the Flood.
by Gavin Cox
Physicist staunchly defends biblical creation
28 Feb 2022
For the last four decades, Dr Russ Humphreys has been in the forefront of biblical (‘young-earth’) creationist research, in geochemistry, radiometric dating, and astronomy.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is the Kalam argument for God a good argument?
26 Feb 2022
What’s the difference between a good argument and a bad argument?
by Shaun Doyle
Without God the universal cart must come before the cosmic horse
25 Feb 2022
Can 'Maxwell’s Demon' avoid an intelligent origin for life?
by Alex Williams
Six days? Really?
24 Feb 2022
Are the days of creation ordinary days? Could they be long periods of time? Is Genesis 1 poetry? Does the length of the days really affect the Gospel?
by Dr Don Batten (contributing editor), Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland
Kevin Anderson creation scientist Challenging evolution with science
23 Feb 2022
This Creation magazine interview, completed before Kevin’s relatively sudden and recent tragic passing, is previewed here to honour the life of a remarkable man.
by Robert Carter
Humanists UK seek to ‘ban repentance’!
22 Feb 2022
Will it be legal to encourage repentance from sexual sin?
by Gavin Cox
How is it that I never knew?
21 Feb 2022
Tas Walker’s editorial from the latest Creation Magazine
by Tas Walker
A fantastical dinosaur journey
18 Feb 2022
The standard evolutionary story of dinosaurs, but full of holes.
by Phil Robinson
Biblical Unity
17 Feb 2022
Biblical unity is very important, but how does the Bible define it? Those who divide the church are those who introduce false teaching, not those who confront it.
by Joel Tay