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Up, up and away!
08 Jun 2015
Biblical creation and a military pilot’s faith and witness
by Philip Bell
Rational scientists and homosexual dogmatism
06 Jun 2015
How can we respond to aggressive pro-homosexual dogma? Also, a CMI reader notes an irony about allegedly rational evolutionary scientists.
by Keaton Halley
Bark scorpion toxin loses its bite
05 Jun 2015
Meet the tiny mouse that is unaffected by a scorpion’s deadly sting.
by Jean K. Lightner
DNA: the best information storage system
04 Jun 2015
DNA can store computer information extremely densely. Even preserved in silica glass, it could not survive the evolutionary age of dinosaurs. So dinos with DNA could not be millions of years.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Did God create an ‘open’ universe?
02 Jun 2015
If theistic evolution is true, is God responsible for the universe?
by Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
A is for Aardvark
01 Jun 2015
The answer (of course) is a resounding ‘No!’. So … how do you get an aardvark?
by David Catchpoole
Order in the fossil record
06 Nov 2021
How can Noah’s Flood explain it?
by Shaun Doyle
More evidence Australopithecus was an extinct ape
29 May 2015
Despite mounting evidence that the bones of a claimed human ancestor are in fact an extinct ape, evolutionists won’t give up on a prized ‘missing link’.
by Michael J. Oard
Cheating on origins
28 May 2015
Cheating in marathons provides insight into the competing claims on origins.
by Marc Ambler
Dinosaur-faced chickens?
26 May 2015
Evolutionary beliefs that birds evolved from dinosaurs is creating muddled thinking about new experiments that modified the shape of bird beaks.
by Robert Carter
Diamonds—Are they really all that old?
25 May 2015
A pristine, unfossilized wooden log has recently been found in ‘ancient’ diamond-bearing rock
by Jonathan O'Brien
Near-death experiences and the authority of Scripture
23 May 2015
How do we evaluate near-death experiences in light of Scripture?
by Lita Sanders