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Dinosaur herd buried in Noah’s Flood in Inner Mongolia, China
22 Dec 2022
Juveniles catastrophically mired in deep mud after larger mature members of the herd abandoned them to their fate?
by Tas Walker
Zebra or horse? A ‘zorse’, of course!
13 Apr 2009
Did Noah take zebras, donkeys and horses onto the Ark? Or just two ‘horses’—one with stripes?
by David Catchpoole
The Bible vs slavery and apartheid
11 Apr 2009
Atheopaths love to blame slavery and apartheid on the Bible. Rather, slavery was a worldwide evil finally abolished by biblical Christians, and apartheid’s architect had a strong evolutionary philosophy.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Resurrection and Genesis
05 Apr 2015
The Resurrection is a real event that happened in real time. It’s based on history, flows out of the events of Genesis 1–3, and changes everything.
by Lita Sanders
Intelligent Design: why the fuss, and what’s it about?
09 Apr 2009
To some, design is a ‘no-brainer’. To others, it’s the thin edge of the wedge. How should we view it?
by Carl Wieland
Darwin’s quisling (Charles Kingsley)
15 Jun 2011
The compromising cleric who helped promote evolution.
by Russell Grigg
Probably no God?
07 Apr 2009
British buses have been carrying slogans of unbelief recently. What’s the real agenda behind this latest advertising campaign? And how should Christians respond?
by Phil Robinson
Zoogenesis—a theory of desperation
09 May 2012
An astonishing ‘alternative’ theory of evolution shows the lengths people will go to in believing anything other than divine creation.
by Russell Grigg
Biblical creation impedes evangelism? Plus yet another uninformed atheist.
04 Apr 2009
Should believers accept billions of years and evolution to avoid ridicule? Did God ‘entrap’ Adam?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Strong case, but flawed by compromise
03 Apr 2009
A generally useful apologetics book but has several blind spots about the age of the earth.
by Lita Sanders
Prescription for raising children
02 Apr 2009
A recent analysis of American children reveals some home truths which might be unpalatable to some of the “intelligentsia”.
by Russell Grigg and David Catchpoole
Blast from the Past: Museum director Dr Johann Blasius v Darwin
01 Apr 2009
Prof. Johann Blasius was director of a major German museum when Darwin wrote Origin. His reaction reminds us that it was predominantly the scientists, not the theologians, who at first opposed Darwinism.
by Carl Wieland