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Aliens are all around us?
20 Dec 2016
An astrophysicist says extra-terrestrial intelligent life explains why we are here, but is that just pseudoscience?
by John G. Hartnett
A walk in the pArk
19 Dec 2016
The enormous dimensions of Trengwainton Garden in Cornwall—constructed on a similar scale to Noah’s Ark—are a reminder of the immense size of the biblical vessel.
by Ruth Ward
Irreducible complexity and cul-de-sacs
17 Dec 2016
A skeptical reader is challenged to conduct an experiment for God’s existence.
by Tas Walker
The curious case of the ‘unfossilized’ bones
15 Dec 2016
At least one scientist is up in arms about the ‘unfossilized’ hadrosaur bones from Alaska!
by Paul Price
Dark matter caused the demise of the dinosaurs?
13 Dec 2016
A physicist is sure that dark matter sheds light on what happened to some of the world’s biggest extinct animals.
by John G. Hartnett
The Creation Safari man
25 Aug 2021
Meet the amazing David Coppedge, the ‘Creation Safari man’ who singlehandedly runs an astounding range of creation outreach activities.
by Carl Wieland
Confident Christianity
10 Dec 2016
Is it possible to have a strong faith without first becoming an expert in apologetics?
by Keaton Halley
On pterosaurs, and flights of the evolutionary imagination
09 Dec 2016
Non-existent evolutionary ‘ghost lineages’ have been invoked to try to explain these fascinating flying reptiles.
by John Woodmorappe
Evolutionising the young
08 Dec 2016
To counteract children’s natural tendency to believe in a creator, secularists press for the teaching of evolution at a younger and younger age.
by Dominic Statham
The platypus
07 Dec 2016
It’s one of Australia’s most curious creatures and-when first discovered-most thought it was a fraud.
by Paula Weston
A direct test of the flat earth model: flight times
06 Dec 2016
A direct test of a flat vs. spherical earth is possible using published airline flight data, conclusively showing the earth is not flat.
by Robert Carter
Polypterus: Teaching a fish to walk?
05 Dec 2016
Novelty fish are an aquarist’s treat and research into bichirs ‘walking’ is now claimed to support the sea-land evolutionary transition by man’s fishy ancestors.
by Philip Bell