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Creation education in Russia
12 Feb 2013
While secularists seek to stifle the teaching of creation evidences in western schools, some politicians of the former communist-bloc are more open-minded.
by Naomal Wijesinghe
Evolutionists can’t dodge ‘Living Fossils’
11 Feb 2013
Things staying the same pose a problem evolution, which is about fantastic changes. See how evolutionists dodge the evidence.
by Don Batten
Here there be dragons … but no centaurs
10 Feb 2013
Is the creationist dragon/dino link similar to ancient belief in centaurs?
by Carl Wieland
Same data, different interpretations?
09 Feb 2013
Do we interpret data to understand the past, or does the data automatically give us the story?
by Carl Wieland
Vitamin B12
08 Feb 2013
Evidence of design.
by John McEwan
The pinnacle of Creation
07 Feb 2013
The Bible and secular science give two very different versions of man’s place in creation.
by Robert Gurney
Pacific salmon
20 Dec 2017
Pacific salmon are more accurate than guided missiles when it is time to spawn.
by Denis Dreves
Is there a universal way Christians should interpret the Bible?
05 Feb 2013
Many Christians struggle to know how the scriptures should be interpreted. This is particularly problematic for many looking at the book of Genesis.
by Calvin Smith
Trial balloons and the age of the earth
04 Feb 2013
Scientists release their calculated ‘age’ into academic space, never sure if it will float or be shot down like a balloon.
by Tas Walker
Refuting Noah’s ark critics
13 Aug 2016
Article ‘How did all the animals fit on Noah’s Ark?’ has recently been subjected to a barrage of atheistic attacks. However, all fail against simple genetics and animal husbandry methods.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Calibrating carbon dating
02 Feb 2013
Why is calibration necessary for carbon dating?
by Robert Carter
The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures—part 3: a mathematical test of lycopod root structure
01 Feb 2013
Part 3: a mathematical test of lycopod root structure.
by Joanna F Woolley