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More marvellous machinery: ‘DNA scrunching’
16 Oct 2008
More marvellous cellular machinery testifies to the biblical Designer.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Roger Bolton Discovers Sliced Bread
15 Oct 2008
Codex Sinaiticus: should this ancient copy of the Greek New Testament cause any doubt on the reliability of our Bibles or Christianity?
by James Patrick Holding
Darwin’s bulldog—Thomas H. Huxley
27 Jun 2012
The ‘success’ of Darwin’s theory of evolution in the 19th century was largely due to the work of this man. So who was he and what motivated him?
by Russell Grigg
Can Japan ban hara-kiri?
13 Oct 2008
What can the Japanese government do to stop its citizens killing themselves?
by David Catchpoole
Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days?
12 Aug 2023
Why does six-day creation matter? How can we refute old-earth compromisers?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Panspermia theory burned to a crisp: bacteria couldn’t survive on meteorite
10 Oct 2008
Experiment shows that bugs from outer space would be burned up on entering Earth’s atmosphere, undermining a common evolutionary ‘loophole’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Inconvenient Neandertaloids
09 Oct 2008
Awkward questions for the Out-of-Africa’ model for human evolution—a problem for evolutionists and ‘progressive’ creationists.
by Peter Line
National Geographic unveils ‘Wilma’ the Neandertal lady
07 Oct 2008
Primitive? Sub-human? Even this evolutionary magazine portrays Neandertals as much more human than used to be the case.
by Carl Wieland
Taking creation evangelism to the streets!
06 Oct 2008
Two friends find that ‘creation evangelism’ works in the market place!
by no author
A very tired Christian
04 Oct 2008
A Christian says he’s tired of the creation-evolution debate. Dr Don Batten explains its importance, documents how it has helped people come to Christ, and cites biblical encouragement for the weary.
by Don Batten
Global meltdown, economic woes, and evolution
03 Oct 2008
With all the fingerpointing about who’s to blame, there may be a bigger picture underlying many of the changes in our society.
by Carl Wieland
Pattern of programmed cell death in bat wing membrane—support for evolution?
02 Oct 2008
Testimony to an intricately designed system.
by Philip B. Bell