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Beetle bloopers
27 Jul 2022
Despite what evolutionists say, mutations are not evidence for evolution but rather evidence against it.
by Carl Wieland
Cecil the lion: should we care?
15 Sep 2015
Global outrage over a hunter killing an African lion highlights the contradiction between care and concern for the treatment of animals and blind, pitiless evolution.
by Martin Duboisée de Ricquebourg
Robot designers want to copy the hummingbird
14 Sep 2015
Engineers look to copy the hummingbird’s aerodynamic secrets in their designs for miniature flying robots
by David Catchpoole
The phosphate deposits on Nauru, western Pacific Ocean
12 Sep 2015
Explained by biblical history.
by Tas Walker
Cosmic Inflation: Did it really happen?
11 Sep 2015
Progressive creationist Hugh Ross has declared as fact something about the alleged big bang that even evolutionists want to be true but have not claimed.
by John G. Hartnett
‘I’m a Christian, but the Bible’s all stories … ’
10 Sep 2015
Remarkable coincidences in the wake of creation evangelism!
by Carl Wieland
Momentous ministry tour impacts the Church in South Africa!
08 Sep 2015
Creation ministry tour ‘switched many on’ to the foundational importance of Genesis to the Gospel!
by Johan Kruger
Oxford-trained scientist acknowledges the Creator
07 Sep 2015
Nature’s word processor—with inbuilt spell checker.
by Dominic Statham
Adam’s sin
05 Sep 2015
Two correspondents ask: why are we punished because of Adam’s sin? How would you respond?
by Lita Sanders
Precambrian rabbits—death knell for evolution?
04 Sep 2015
Richard Dawkins says a rabbit fossil in the Precambrian would be evidence against evolution, but would that really be the case?
by Shaun Doyle
Creation: The better explanation
03 Sep 2015
Researchers conducting origins research have no choice but to adopt one of two presuppositional positions (creation or evolution) to interpret the facts they are observing. Which is better?
by Calvin Smith
Where are all the human fossils?
02 Sep 2015
Skeptics ask where are all the human fossils if there were really a global Flood? Are there answers?
by Andrew Snelling