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80 whales buried mysteriously in Chilean desert
28 Apr 2021
Marine graveyard is dramatic evidence for Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
What’s in a name?
16 Nov 2016
Why did Moses use different names for God in Genesis chapters 1 and 2?
by Russell Grigg
Is the Bible an immoral book?
29 Nov 2011
Skeptics twisting the Scriptures
by Lita Sanders
The lingering death of junk DNA
28 Nov 2011
The idea that huge stretches of human DNA are useless junk left over from evolution is itself having to be progressively junked.
by Don Batten
From Shadows to Light
27 Nov 2011
Believing God’s Word, and receiving the salvation on offer through His Son Jesus Christ, won’t mean an end to your problems while on this earth. But it sure helps to make sense of them.
by David Catchpoole
The Qu’ran, Messianic prophecy and Christianity
26 Nov 2011
A brief look at Islamic and Judaistic arguments against Christianity.
by Dr Don Batten, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Should creationists accept quantum mechanics?
25 Nov 2011
Quantum mechanics is well supported by the evidence. Creationists should not reject it, since fighting on two fronts is a losing strategy.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Doubts about hyped-up planet
24 Nov 2011
Does Gliese 581g exist at all?
by Shaun Doyle
‘He made the stars also …’ (Genesis 1:16)
27 Apr 2022
Interview with Ph.D. full professor of astronomy, Danny Faulkner
by Carl Wieland and Dr Jonathan DSarfati
Evolution—It’s child’s play!
22 Nov 2011
Theistic evolutionists say Genesis was how God communicated to people with limited understanding because evolution was too sophisticated for them. Why then are atheists able to teach children evolution easily?
by Calvin Smith
Cosmic catastrophes
21 Nov 2011
Planets crashing together, moons being ripped apart, all sounds very dramatic, but is this true history, or just a fanciful story?
by Spike Psarris
Gap theory revisited
14 Oct 2023
‘Gap theory’ has no exegetical basis in Scripture in both ancient Hebrew and 17th century English.
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati