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Lipid rafts: evidence of biosyntax and biopragmatics
11 Sep 2008
They demonstrate information within the cell.
by J.G. Andrew
Conversions in the land of the rising sun
10 Sep 2008
Good news as creation scientist Werner Gitt tours a country notoriously difficult for evangelism.
by Carl Wieland
Earth Science Ireland chastised over anti-Christian, anti-creationist attitude
09 Sep 2008
Geologist says it’s time to open up geology to debate, starting with this open letter.
by Angus Kennedy
Is evolution pseudoscience?
08 Sep 2008
Evolutionists’ own criteria for identifying a ‘pseudoscience’ show that evolution itself is a pseudoscience.
by Mark Johansen
Legalizing abortion: no-one is safe anymore
05 Sep 2008
Compromise on ‘made in the image of God’ is taking us into Hitler’s gas chambers.
by Gary Bates
Identification of species within the sheep-goat kind (Tsoan monobaramin)
04 Sep 2008
Are sheep and goats part of the same original biblical kind?
by Jean K. Lightner
Viva la Evolution?
03 Sep 2008
Should Christians celebrate evolution in the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth next year?
by David Anderson
World by Design Tour dismantled my big bang
02 Sep 2008
Answered doubts about Scripture that were first raised in my mind at seminary.
by Yohanna Puric
Performing surgery upon evolutionary thinking
01 Sep 2008
Jonathan Sarfati interviews pediatric surgeon Dr Ross Pettigrew (from New Zealand), who explains the fine design of the human body, and why evolution matches neither science nor Scripture.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Laminin, Atlas moths, and ‘gay’ brains
30 Aug 2008
Is there really a protein shaped like Jesus? cross? Are there really moths that look like snakes? And are some people really born with ?gay? brains?
by Andrew Lamb
Not too old to be Expelled
29 Aug 2008
Our God-ordained right of free thought and speech is under systematic and increasing attack
by D. Russell Humphreys
Secularizing America
28 Aug 2008
Christian Smith’s The Secular Revolution challenges cherished sociological theories and exposes the anti-Christian power struggle in the West.
by Lael Weinberger