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What is the meaning of dropstones in the rock record?
19 Mar 2010
Did they really drop into the sediment from floating icebergs?
by Michael J. Oard
An Evangelical ‘Litmus Test’
18 Mar 2010
Is accepting Genesis 1–11 as real history the relevant test for orthodoxy today?
by Roger Birch
Sandy surprise
17 Mar 2010
When most people look at huge sandstone cliffs, for example, they are conditioned in today’s culture to think in terms of millions of years. But this swimming pool owner, from hard experience, knows you don’t need the millions of years.
by n/a
Countering the Rise of Atheism
16 Mar 2010
The atheists refused CMI’s offer to a debate so CMI arranged a public seminar on the same weekend as their global convention where people could hear what the atheists tried to hide.
by Tas Walker
The Architect
15 Mar 2010
Similarity of design speaks of a common Designer/Architect rather than common ancestry (evolution).
by Patricia Mondore
Errors in the Bible?
30 Jan 2024
If there are errors of detail in the Bible, doesn’t that mean that everything—including the Resurrection—is open to question?
by CW & Lita Cosner
The language faculty: following the evidence
12 Mar 2010
Attempts to link language and biological evolution have encountered impassible problems but the evidence points to a designed system.
by Fred Field
Dawkins and divine forgiveness
11 Mar 2010
Richard Dawkins mocks the Gospel, but this merely shows how little he understands of the true nature of sin, or of the infinite holiness of God.
by Russell Grigg
Standing firm (Raymond Jones interview)
16 Oct 2013
Leading scientist shows how ‘radical’ ideas can lead to the greatest breakthroughs.
by Don Batten and Carl Wieland
Australian Christian schools in creationism row
09 Mar 2010
Many are calling this the thin edge of the wedge for Christians everywhere …
by n
08 Mar 2010
Was a lemur-like creature really our ancestor, as evolutionists propose? Problem is, evolutionists admit that lemurs are ‘notoriously problematic’ in that regard. Especially the aye-aye.
by Jeffrey Dykes
Does the Bible allow polygamy?
06 Mar 2010
A correspondent asks about guidance for his country’s new converts to Christ who come from areas where polygamy is common. Another asks about the ‘Hobbit’ classified as Homo floresiensis.
by JS & L Cosner