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Appendix shrieks ‘Creation’ (at least 18 times!)
02 Apr 2013
Remember when the appendix was held up as evidence for evolution—a supposed ‘vestigial organ’? How times have changed.
by David Catchpoole
Lessons from locust wings
08 Sep 2021
Wind tunnel videos have revealed some unexpected aerodynamic characteristics of locust wings, which design engineers of small robotic aircraft want to copy.
by David Catchpoole
The importance of the Resurrection of Christ to our salvation
11 Apr 2020
What is so important about the Resurrection of Jesus, that without it no one can be saved?
by Russell Grigg
Wonders of Life—Part 1: How life first began
30 Mar 2013
Professor Brian Cox argues that life can create itself.
by Dominic Statham
Did Joseph of Arimathea move the body?
29 Mar 2013
Responding to another ‘bodysnatcher’ theory of the empty tomb.
by Lita Sanders
A different way of thinking—Thomas Nagel considers the mind
28 Mar 2013
An evolutionary philosopher gets his peers thinking about why science has failed to explain how the mind works.
by Warren Nunn
Life at the extremes
27 Mar 2013
You can freeze them, boil them, dry them, starve them and even put them in a vacuum—yet they still bounce back
by David Catchpoole
‘In my father’s day … ’
11 May 2023
Whether ‘day’ means a long period of time, the hours of daylight, or a 24-hour period, depends on the context. So what is the context of the Genesis ‘days’?
by David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati
Why Bible history matters
12 Oct 2022
Much biblical doctrine and morality is based on its historical sequence.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation evangelism
24 Mar 2013
The ‘big picture’ in which the Gospel makes sense.
by Carl Wieland
Personal attacks and accusations but no substance
23 Mar 2013
A skeptic claims to be able to present thousands of arguments disproving what CMI believes.
by Phil Robinson
The junk DNA myth takes a well-deserved hit
22 Mar 2013
A review of The Myth of Junk DNA by Jonathan Wells.
by Jeffrey Tomkins