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Oxygen in comet atmosphere undermines billions of years
08 Jan 2018
Space probe Rosetta finds oxygen gas found in coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
by Jonathan Sarfati
Initial reviews rave: Alien Intrusion is another hit for CMI!
04 Jan 2018
Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception is in theaters across the US on 11 January 2018. Listen to why these pastors think you need to see it.
by Lita Sanders
Aliens in your bedroom?
03 Jan 2018
The truth is out there .... if you really want to know.
by Mike Matthews
Spacecraft Earth
02 Jan 2018
We are all space travelers—and Spacecraft Earth helps us understand our place in God’s universe.
by David Coppedge and Gary Bates
It’s all about the teacher
01 Jan 2018
Creation evangelists Bob and Frances Relyea are committed to teaching the teachers to continue spreading the truth of creation.
by David Catchpoole and Warren Nunn
When atheism seems easy
27 Nov 2021
How should we respond when amoral atheism feels easy to believe?
by Shaun Doyle
Radioisotope methods and rock ages
29 Dec 2017
Research provides evidence that nuclear transmutation rates were dramatically higher in the past.
by John Baumgardner
CMI on the silver screen!
28 Dec 2017
When the book Alien Intrusion was published, its message helped thousands. Now we have a chance to reach even more.
by Gary Bates; Lita Cosner
Skin deep
27 Dec 2017
I couldn’t help but note your shade of melanin.
by Jerry P. Moore
An ‘alien intrusion’–a journey to remember
26 Dec 2017
As the release of CMI’s movie Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception draws near, writer, producer, and director Gary Bates shares his thoughts and the impact he hopes this film will have.
by Gary Bates
Mary: the biblical woman behind the cultural legend
19 Dec 2019
What does the Bible tell us about Mary, the mother of Jesus?
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Why did God allow sin at all?
23 Dec 2017
Could God have created a world where nobody sinned? If so, why didn’t He?
by Shaun Doyle