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Stars just don’t form naturally—‘dark matter’ the ‘god of the gaps’ is needed
01 Sep 2015
Despite claims that stars formed from primordial clouds of gas, the known laws of physics show that to be impossible.
by John G. Hartnett
Noah’s Ark—water and impact resistant?
31 Aug 2015
Two reality television shows testing the effects of explosives on walls coated with a protective polyurethane product give a clue to how pitch would have protected Noah’s Ark.
by Warren Nunn
Why 6,000 years and not Septuagint chronology?
29 Aug 2015
Why does CMI support the Masoretic chronology of ~4000 BC creation not the Septuagint’s ~5500 BC?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Human genome decay and the origin of life
28 Aug 2015
Observed mutational decay in the human genome provides clues to the origin of life.
by Alex Williams
The Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark
27 Aug 2015
Evidence for the Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark is crucial to understanding the world’s history.
by Tas Walker
The ‘little bears’ that evolutionary theory can’t bear!
26 Aug 2015
Microscopic ‘water bears’ are a puzzle for evolutionists.
by Joachim Vetter
Apollo moon landing hoax and the ‘Face on Mars’
25 Aug 2015
Separating fact from fiction helps to recognize what a hoax really is.
by John Hartnett
Shape-shifting dinosaurs
24 Aug 2015
Are some dino ‘evolutionary series’ actually just different growth stages of the same type of dinosaur?
by Jillene Bailey
Confusion over mining plans and coal deposits
22 Aug 2015
But Flood geology explains them.
by Tas Walker
Tetrapods from Fish?
21 Aug 2015
Does the case for land-walking tetrapods, Tiktaalik and ‘fishapods’ as evidence for evolutionary transitional forms stand up to scrutiny?
by John Woodmorappe
Proclaiming Creation in a scientific age-->
20 Aug 2015
Contrary to the tired old mantra, ‘science has disproved the Bible’, biblical literate and scientifically informed Christians can (and should) proclaim creation with well-founded confidence.
by Philip Bell
Designed by the Watchmaker
19 Aug 2015
Long before Darwin, William Paley outlined the evidence for Divine design in living things, the natural world and the universe.
by David Malcolm