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Facilitated variation: a new paradigm emerges in biology
05 Mar 2010
The first comprehensive theory of how life works at the molecular level.
by Alex Williams
Lessons from the fall of Singapore, 1942
04 Mar 2010
The stunning 1942 Japanese victory caught the British Army by surprise. There are powerful lessons for the spiritual battles facing the church today.
by Andy McIntosh
What! … no potatoes?
03 Mar 2010
Governments are recognising the need to preserve the ‘wild’ varieties of our food plants, with their rich stores of information. Plant scientist Dr Don Batten explains how this highlights the fallacy of evolution.
by Don Batten
The goodness of God
02 Mar 2010
Is God the ‘bully’ portrayed by Dawkins and others?
by Catherine Olaussen
A river like no other
01 Mar 2010
On Charles Darwin’s Beagle voyage, his geological observations using Charles Lyell’s book reinforced his belief in long ages, and underpinned his later evolutionary ideas. But modern geology denies many of his interpretations.
by Emil Silvestru
Debate challenge fury
27 Feb 2010
In the lead-up to next month’s Global Atheist Conference, there’s been a strident, and polarized, reaction to atheists’ refusal to debate CMI.
by Carl Wieland
How did 90% of large Australian Ice Age animals go extinct?
26 Feb 2010
Was it humans or climate change or something else?
by Michael J. Oard
The Issue of Issues
25 Feb 2010
Christianity’s enemies have long recognized that this is the key issue at which all battle lines converge. (And no, it’s not creation/evolution.)
by Carl Wieland
Revival? What is missing?
24 Feb 2010
Many churches today are praying for revival, and that’s good. But something else is needed, too. (As every good parachute salesman knows.)
by Don Batten
Thousands of Dinosaur footprints found in China
23 Feb 2010
Scientists describe evidence of Noah’s Flood without realizing it.
by Tas Walker
All at once
22 Feb 2010
A new discovery highlights the puzzle for evolutionary researchers as to why civilizations and languages seem to have arisen suddenly and simultaneously across the world. If only they considered Genesis …
by Carl Wieland
Valentine’s Day shock
20 Feb 2010
At church last weekend, a correspondent was ‘moved’, to say the least.
by David Catchpoole