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Apologetics in the information age
20 Oct 2016
Today anyone can become an ‘automatic expert’ in Bible contradictions. How do we respond?
by Lita Sanders
The importance of the Old Testament
18 Oct 2016
Without Jewish writings, there is no basis for explaining events recorded in the New Testament.
by Ron Neller
The name game: scientific ideas named after creationists
25 Jan 2024
Despite assertions that creationists don’t contribute to science, the reality is very different.
by Shaun Doyle
Did God inscribe the Creation Week in stone?
15 Oct 2016
Do the different rationales for the Sabbath in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 mean God didn’t inscribe the Creation week rationale of Exodus 20 in stone?
by Shaun Doyle
Post-Flood log mats potentially can explain biogeography
14 Oct 2016
Animals dispersing around the world by either land bridges or rafting is accepted by both creationists and secularists.
by Michael J Oard
Caution—slippery surface
13 Oct 2016
An astonishingly complex plant helps provide a technical breakthrough and a smooth solution.
by Joni Ruokamo
“Scoffers will come in the last days”
11 Oct 2016
Not only a head-teacher but, ‘horror of horrors’, a biblical creationist newsreader—whatever next? The End Times mockers believe in freedom of speech for all but those pesky evolution doubters.
by Philip Bell
Is the authority of Scripture only about spiritual things?
10 Oct 2016
The Bible’s teaching cannot be confined to ‘spiritual’ things.
by Lita Sanders
The rock cycle
08 Oct 2016
Is it a valid concept
by tas walker
Adam as the protoplast—
07 Oct 2016
The Church Fathers consistently understood and taught that Adam was the first-formed individual and ancestor of all humanity.
by Andrew Sibley
The four dimensional human genome defies naturalistic explanations
06 Oct 2016
The human genome is the most complex computer operating system in the known universe and defies naturalistic explanations.
by Robert Carter
Canyon creation
05 Oct 2016
Fast-forming canyons show that textbook pictures of slow and gradual processes are really just storytelling.
by Rebecca Gibson