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Evolution abandoned
04 Jan 2017
A long-time enthusiastic teacher of evolution slowly embraced Biblical creation.
by Carl Wieland and Don Batten
Designed to adapt?
03 Jan 2017
Despite evidence to the contrary, evolutionists continue to offer up random mutations as an explanation of how life developed.
by Judah Etinger
From Atheism to Christ
02 Jan 2017
A young scientist indoctrinated in atheistic philosophy in China came to America and was dramatically converted to Christianity.
by Rob Carter
God’s justice, mercy, and creation
31 Dec 2016
We answer a question about God’s justice and whether it is loving for God to require belief to be saved.
by Lita Sanders
Why the Miller–Urey research argues against abiogenesis
30 Dec 2016
Does the Miller–Urey study prove abiogenesis or does it in effect revive the concept of spontaneous generation.
by Jerry Bergman
Countering post-Soviet atheism
29 Dec 2016
How one church confronts its overwhelmingly atheistic nation with the creation message.
by Ari Takku
The evolution train’s a-comin’
07 Sep 2022
Evolution would require new genetic information, but only loss of genetic information is observed
by Carl Wieland
Evolutionists less likely to believe in God
27 Dec 2016
A Discovery Institute poll shows that people believe evolution makes God’s existence less likely.
by Lita Sanders
The cockroach: nature’s garbage men
26 Dec 2016
Cockroaches are thought to be disgusting pests, but they play an important role in degrading waste in nature.
by Lita Sanders
Celebrating Christmas?
25 Dec 2016
Are Christian celebrations pagan, and does it matter? Where does the 25 December date come from, and who celebrated it first?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Responding to theistic evolution
24 Dec 2016
Theistic evolution denies the doctrine of marriage, union with Christ and the need for a redeemer
by Joel Tay
Fallout facts
22 Dec 2016
The topic of the youth exodus from church is complex. Does the most extensive research ever done confirms that the teaching of evolutionary theory is the main reason it happens?
by Calvin Smith