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The problem with naturalism, the problem with empiricism
23 Oct 2009
A review of Science’s Blind Spot: The Unseen Religion of Scientific Naturalism by Cornelius Hunter.
by Lael Weinberger
Spin from the BBC about Darwin
22 Oct 2009
A BBC program tries to distance Darwin’s theory of evolution from the Holocaust and other atrocities, but Darwinism is not that easily whitewashed.
by Russell Grigg
Morals decline linked to belief in evolution
21 Oct 2009
Darwinists object, but it’s linked to belief in evolution.
by David Catchpoole
Dragonfly design tips
20 Oct 2009
The designers of micro air vehicles are learning from the dragonfly.
by David Catchpoole
Twiddling the knobs
19 Oct 2009
An illustration from everyday life shows why evolution does not work.
by Don Batten
Was Darwin racist?
17 Oct 2009
Some today would like to believe that Darwin’s views about ‘savages’ like the Fuegians were just a product of his time, rather than of his evolutionary ideas.
by Carl Wieland
Molecular limits to natural variation
16 Oct 2009
Variation is the result of an intelligently designed system and not an unlimited naturalistic process.
by Alex Williams
Review of Creation the movie
27 Jan 2010
This movie portrays Charles Darwin as a loving, devoted family man who struggles personally over the implications of his theory, thus leading viewers to regard his evolutionary ideas sympathetically.
by Dominic Statham
Universal acid
14 Oct 2009
by n/a
Church censors biblical creation
13 Oct 2009
The Melbourne Anglican requests an article from CMI and then refuses to publish it because the editor could not find anyone willing to write a countering article.
by Don Batten
Bugs, baramins and beauty
12 Oct 2009
Dr Gordon Wilson, an insect-specialising science professor who teaches creation evidences at his university, has some interesting angles on the purposes of all that design.
by Carl Wieland
Folding rocks and atheists’ right to teach
10 Oct 2009
If Christians want to be allowed to teach what they believe, then why shouldn’t atheists enjoy the same freedom?
by Don Batten and Emil Silvestru