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15 Oct 2020
Have engineers actually designed a super material that cannot be cut? And where did they get their inspiration?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The Bright Angel Trail trackways
13 Oct 2020
These recently discovered tracks at the Grand Canyon show yet more strong evidence for a massive watery catastrophe.
by Paul Price
The wonderfully designed cell cycle
12 Oct 2020
The cell cycle is complex and unique to larger domains of life. Mutations do not help the cell cycle but rather lead to cancer.
by Matthew Cserhati and Lita Cosner
“Theology made reject creation”
10 Oct 2020
A reader asks for help responding to someone who says, “It was theology, not science, that turned me off to creation.”
by Lita Sanders
Feathered pterosaurs: ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution
09 Oct 2020
Ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution.
by Joel Tay
New survey of biblical archaeology
08 Oct 2020
A helpful new resource introduces Christians to biblical archaeology.
by Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
Growing Opals—Australian Style
07 Oct 2020
Long-age icon created in weeks
by Andrew Snelling
Exploring the ‘Evidence for Evolution’ … in 1970
06 Oct 2020
How has the alleged evidence for evolution changed in the past 50 years? How has it stayed the same?
by Paul Price
Abortion Choices
05 Oct 2020
Abortion involves at least three choices which involve personal preference, the value of human life, and whether to take responsibility for one’s actions.
by Thomas Bailey
Is otherworldly science fiction biblical?
03 Oct 2020
A reader asks: if a science fiction depiction of life on other worlds is biblical?
by Gary Bates
Many paths lead to high-altitude adaptation
02 Oct 2020
Discover how many paths lead to it.
by Jean K. Lightner
Historical Science, Chaos Theory, and the sliding scale of trust
01 Oct 2020
What can the famed character Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park teach us about forensic investigations and historical science?
by Paul Price, Robert Carter