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Hoax ‘testimony’ and Hoax endorsement:
02 Jan 2024
Is eating shellfish just as much an abomination as homosexual behaviour? Refutation of sarcastic atheopathic internet letter. Plus feedback from “Greatest Hoax?” and “Refuting Compromise”
by Lita Sanders
Apologetic against atheism flawed by theistic evolutionary stance
09 Jul 2010
A review of The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller
by Lita Sanders
The road to Indonesia
08 Jul 2010
For the first time ever, CMI sends a speaker to the world’s most populous Muslim country—for a 2-month ministry tour
by Carl Wieland
Order or chaos?
07 Jul 2010
‘Hope springs eternal’ as some latch onto chaos theory hoping that it will provide an evolutionary mechanism.
by Martha Blakefield
Creation taught in school religion classes
06 Jul 2010
Evolutionists aghast that Scripture teachers say the Christian faith is true
by Russell Grigg
Cave men—in the Bible
05 Jul 2010
The Bible rules out a ‘Stone Age’—yet it describes cave men. Go figure!
by David Catchpoole
Müller cells refuting Dawkins: feedback
03 Jul 2010
Many atheopaths are reeling from the demolition of their hero Dawkins by the new Müller cell discoveries in the eye.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Neutral Model of evolution and recent African origins
02 Jul 2010
Do the ‘molecular clock’ assumptions of the most popular version of human evolution and dispersal, the ‘Out of Africa’ hypothesis stand up under scrutiny?
by Rob Carter
What a blast! What a camp!
01 Jul 2010
CMI–US’s first ever Super Conference brought together some of the leading creation speakers from creation ministries from around the world. The excitement was palpable.
by Don Batten
The pitch for Noah’s Ark
18 Oct 2023
Answering objections to how Noah was able to make the Ark waterproof.
by Tas Walker
The Best Genetic Computer Program in the World
29 Jun 2010
Scientists begin to unravel the splicing code
by Rob Carter
Darwin’s ‘Imps of darkness’: the marine iguanas of the Galápagos
28 Jun 2010
Darwin called them ‘hideous’; meet the marine iguanas of the Galápagos.
by Tom Hennigan