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The fish with ‘four eyes’ (Anableps)
01 Dec 2010
The best explanation for Anableps is that it was created on Day 5 of Creation Week.
by Russell Grigg
‘Oldest’ fossil shrimp?
30 Nov 2010
How is an old fossil shrimp important for unraveling evolution if it closely resembles modern shrimp?
by Shaun Doyle
The opossum’s tale
29 Nov 2010
The opossum of the Americas confounds ‘just-so’ stories to explain Australia’s weird mammals.
by Lael Weinberger
Compromising chaplain castigates creation, round 2
27 Nov 2010
A school chaplain takes issue with our previous comments.
by Lita Sanders
Photosynthetic sea slugs: an evolutionary enigma
26 Nov 2010
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Shaun Doyle
Martian Fossils? Dissecting the media hype
25 Nov 2010
Yet another attempt to find evidence for life on Mars turns out to be little more than media hype.
by Lita Cosner and Gary Bates
Darwin’s mystery illness
15 Mar 2017
Why did Darwin’s publication of his theory of evolution cause him so much guilt?
by Russell Grigg
Computers on the Ark?
23 Nov 2010
The Ark was totally feasible with technology known to the ancient world. But Ark defenders who assert superior science by Noah overlook the biblical worldview that made science possible.
by Jonathan Sarfati
ATP synthase: majestic molecular machine made by a mastermind
22 Nov 2010
How ATP synthase makes a chemical essential for life.
by Brian Thomas
Is Genesis poetry? and Who was the father of hermeneutics?
20 Nov 2010
This weekend feedback discusses the origin of the non-literal interpretation of Genesis, and who deserves the title ‘Father of Hermeneutics’.
by Lita Sanders
Poor scholarship and self deception
19 Nov 2010
A review of The Bible, Rocks and Time by Davis A. Young and Ralph F. Stearley
by Michael J. Oard
Lizards moving from eggs to live birth: evolution in action?
18 Nov 2010
An Australian skink species can lay eggs or give birth to live young. Is this ‘evolution in action’?
by Shaun Doyle