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Is ‘devolution’ offensive to God?
31 May 2014
CMI consigned to hell for proposing loss through mutational degeneration.
by CW [A1]
Creation in-depth: Internal oceanic waves and sedimentation
30 May 2014
How recent sedimentation research helps show the plausibility of Noah’s Flood.
by Michael J Oard
Why believe in God in an age of science?
29 May 2014
Students at a secular university challenged about how negatively evolution has impacted humanity and presented with the Gospel alternative.
by John Hartnett
Ants—swarm intelligence
28 May 2014
Ants: swarm intelligence
by Paula Weston
Which came first: the Archaeopteryx or the dinosaur egg?
27 May 2014
The first bird from a dinosaur egg! Who dunnit?
by Russell Grigg
Neandertal paintings ‘bombshell’
26 May 2014
Neandertals weren’t artistic—and yet they were.
by David Catchpoole
Should we be open-minded?
25 May 2014
Should Christians embrace teachings from other religions?
by Lita Sanders
Blinkered scientists look past the obvious
24 May 2014
A correspondent tells of shellfish and seaside aromas emanating from limestone when broken open to reveal beautifully preserved bivalve shells.
by David Catchpoole, Warren Nunn
Information Theory—part 4: fundamental theorems of Coded Information Systems Theory
23 May 2014
Part 4 of this series outlines the fundamental shape, scope, and value of Coded Information Systems theory for understanding biology.
by Royal Truman
Karl Giberson unmasks himself
22 May 2014
High profile theistic evolutionist Karl Giberson reveals how it is not possible to be a Darwinist and a Bible-believing Christian—if one thinks about it.
by Don Batten
Sharks: denizens of the deep
21 May 2014
Few creatures alive today incite more fear and awe than these fierce marine predators with their razor-sharp teeth. But not all sharks are harmful to man.
by Paula Weston
The big bang is not a Reason to Believe!
20 May 2014
A research physics professor, Dr John Hartnett points out how Scripture’s version of events differs completely from the big bang/long-ages model and defends creationist claims of problems with ‘inflation’.
by John G. Hartnett