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Rainbow spot design challenges engineers
29 Aug 2019
Philippine snout weevil has brilliantly coloured spots. What causes them, and what can engineers learn?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The planets are young: 3 Jupiter
28 Aug 2019
We present reasons why Jupiter is young, not billions of years old, as claimed in the BBC-TV program The Planets.
by Russell Grigg
Reformation Wall Vandalized Yet Again
27 Aug 2019
Reformation wall defaced. Whodunnit and why? Widespread acceptance of homosexuality today signals spiritual situation of our modern culture.
by Matthew Cserhati, Joel Tay
The incredible human brain
26 Aug 2019
As powerful evidence for a Designer’s existence, look no further than inside your head.
by Peter Line
From a rib to a 206-bone human
24 Aug 2019
Did Eve transition from a single bone to a 206-bone human? What about the transition from molecules to man?
by Matthew Cserhati
The genetic history of the Israelite nation
23 Aug 2019
What can genetics tell us about the history of the Jews?
by Robert Carter
Lizard discovered that can lay eggs and birth live young
22 Aug 2019
Shaun Doyle
by Shaun Doyle
The planets are young: 2. Earth and Mars
21 Aug 2019
We present reasons why Earth and Mars are young, not billions of years old, as per the BBC-TV program The Planets.
by Russell Grigg
Top five questions posed by evolutionists answered!
20 Aug 2019
Evolution’s top five arguments better support biblical creation – there is hope for college students.
by Matthew Cserhati
What humans do but animals don’t
19 Aug 2019
Six abilities of humans that make us different from animals, and are features of God and thus make us accountable to Him.
by David Christie and Russell Grigg
Can mutations lead to new genetic information?
17 Aug 2019
An extra copy of a gene is new information, but not a new kind of information – evolution still doesn’t happen!
by Matthew Cserhati
Is the Shroud of Turin authentic?
16 Aug 2019
Is the Shroud of Turin authentic? We examine the biblical, anatomical, chemical evidence.
by Matthew Cserhati, Rob Carter