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How the Joggins polystrate fossils falsify long ages
16 Apr 2020
Research into the huge polystrate reed fossils (lycopods) at Joggins, Nova Scotia shows that deep time is in deep trouble.
by Paul Price
Electric spider flight
15 Apr 2020
Spiders use electric fields in the atmosphere to help them get airborne
by Philip Bell
Putting death in its context
14 Apr 2020
With more people thinking about the topic of death during the current covid-19 pandemic what does the Bible teach about its origin and finality?
by Phil Robinson
The hope of the resurrection
12 Apr 2020
This Easter as most of us are prevented from celebrating the Resurrection with our churches, we can still rejoice in the hope that Christ gives us!
by Lita Sanders
What should Christians think about artificial selection and genetic modification?
08 Apr 2020
Is it ok for humans to modify organisms? What about human-animal hybrids? We discuss the biblical and ethical guidelines for Christians in today’s world of rapidly developing biotechnology.
by Matthew Cserhati, Gary Bates
Racial mixing is perfectly biblical!
07 Apr 2020
Racial intermarriage is perfectly acceptable. We completely repudiate the racist claims of the ‘Christian Identity’ movement.
by Matthew Cserhati, Robert Carter
The blue rose
06 Apr 2020
Why couldn’t one be bred?
by Gordon Howard
Jericho after Joshua’s destruction
04 Apr 2020
Joshua destroyed and cursed Jericho, but did the ancient city lay in ruins forever? No. Archaeology and the Bible agree on the events that occurred at Jericho.
by Keaton Halley
Origins of pathogenic microbes: part 2—viruses
03 Apr 2020
Where did disease-causing viruses come from?
by Warren A. Shipton
‘Unlikely’ encounters
02 Apr 2020
How can we be prepared for unexpected witnessing opportunities?
by Lita Sanders
New dinosaur Lingwulong shenqi
01 Apr 2020
Lingwulong shenqi, ‘amazing dragon of Lingwu’, is a Diplodocus-like dinosaur confounds evolutionists by being in the wrong place and time
by Jonathan Sarfati
Hugh Ross bluffs at church meeting
31 Mar 2020
At church meetings, Ross still makes blatantly false claims, including about church fathers, human fossils, Neandertals, and the flood.
by Jonathan Sarfati