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Fibre optics in eye demolish atheistic ‘bad design’ argument
03 Apr 2013
Is our eye harmed by ‘backward wiring’? No! Not only is it necessary, but eyes have a fibre optic plate to guide light through the nerve net to receptors.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Stalin’s ape-man Superwarriors
04 Apr 2012
The ruthless dictator’s dream of a race of ape-human hybrids to use as ‘cannon fodder’—fantasy or plausible history?
by Russell Grigg
Who wants to be a millionaire?
15 Aug 2007
A group is offering a prize of one million dollars for anyone who can demonstrate how the genetic code could come into existence naturally.
by Calvin Smith
A new age of quantum madness
14 Aug 2007
You and I help to create the physical world, including the laws by which it operates? Bizarre mystical notions like this are increasingly being taken seriously by top scientists.
by Carl Wieland
Another evolutionary ‘truth’ now conceded to be myth
10 Aug 2007
Evolutionists abandon the idea of 99% DNA similarity between humans and chimps
by Daniel Anderson
Intriguing instincts
08 Aug 2007
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Neil Marsden
Water inside fire
07 Aug 2007
The Beijing anomaly, deep inside the earth, suggests Earth’s history was much different from what is usually envisaged.
by Emil Silvestru
Aping humans
12 Apr 2023
The idea that chimps can learn to speak as humans do was thoroughly debunked earlier this century.
by Carl Wieland
Could Jesus’ body have been stolen before the guards arrived?
04 Aug 2007
Do sceptics of the Resurrection have a loophole? No, their scenario overlooks both the cultural context, and requires such an implausible combination of circumstances that can only be called special pleading.
by James Holding
Archaeological find affirms Old Testament historicity
31 Jul 2007
The discovery of a tablet with details of one of Nebuchadnezzar’s court officials supports the historicity of the book of Jeremiah.
by Don Batten
Wood petrified in spring
23 Jul 2007
Japanese researchers report that, in real life, wood can turn into stone much faster than geologists previously thought.
by Tas Walker
Is Young-Earth Creationism a heresy?
21 Jul 2007
An anticreationist attacks biblical creation as heresy, although biblical heresy is an oxymoron. The response also refutes a common argument about the absence of short-lived isotopes, beloved of atheists and progressive creationists, and answers some alleged biblical contradictions.
by Jonathan Sarfati