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A foundation with a few cracks
19 Feb 2010
A review of Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Bait and switch with guppies
18 Feb 2010
Richard Dawkins’ new book cites ingenious experiments supporting the interplay between natural and sexual selection in guppies. But is it really goo-to-you (or fish-to-fishermen) evolution?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dragons: animals … not apparitions
17 Feb 2010
Accounts of dragons in history have an amazing similarity to various types of dinosaurs.
by Timofey Alferov
Can you “hurt” someone by not believing the same as they do?
16 Feb 2010
Why do some atheists declare ‘hurt’ and ‘offence’? Perhaps to put Christians on the defensive to stop them from giving answers to what the world is teaching.
by Calvin Smith
Pulsating plants
15 Feb 2010
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David Catchpoole
Cryonics, the soul and immortality
13 Feb 2010
Could technology one day provide immortality? Could deep frozen corpses be revived? A reader’s question provides food for thought.
by Carl Wieland
Morphology and molecules in conflict yet again
12 Feb 2010
Despite their media image, evolutionary family trees are far from harmonious and settled.
by Reinhard Junker
Does creation really matter?
11 Feb 2010
Shoring up the foundations? Defending the Christian faith from Genesis? Morality and the Gospel depending on biblical history? Tired old truths, or vital imperatives for Christians who wish to be biblically and culturally relevant?
by Philp Bell
Drowned from below
10 Feb 2010
Scientists long thought that the hot interior of the earth would be very dry. But they now describe it as ‘sopping wet’!
by Alexander Williams
“Watering down” the Genesis Flood
09 Feb 2010
Noah’s Ark was not circular as British Museum ‘expert’ claims
by Adrian Bates
Rock language: is there such a thing?
08 Feb 2010
Some people say the rocks cry out but others just hear a stony silence.
by Tas Walker
You believe what?
06 Feb 2010
As word of the upcoming Creation Supercamp in the US begins to spread, some surprising beliefs are coming to light.
by Gary Bates