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The good, the bad and the ugly …
18 Oct 2014
Since the Bible clearly teaches that everything was made in six literal days, doesn’t that mean that bad things must have been there from the beginning?
by Calvin Smith
The paradox of Pacific guyots and thick ‘reefal’ limestone
17 Oct 2014
Explaining the existence of guyots supposedly causes problems for creationists but the reverse is the case.
by Michael Oard
The myth about myths in early Genesis
15 Oct 2014
Linguists can’t deny the powerful testimony that the Genesis creation account is real history despite attempts to pass it off as just another myth.
by Charles Taylor
Skeptical tactic for shutting down debates
14 Oct 2014
When evolutionists refuse to even read creation material, the debate can’t even begin.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
How strong is your faith?
13 Oct 2014
You might have a faith\nthat can move mountains, but there are some things that you just can’t do. No matter how strongly you believe.
by David Catchpoole
Missing the link between Darwin and racism
12 Oct 2014
Despite the evidence, many evolutionists deny that racist attitudes reached new levels because of Darwin’s ideas.
by Warren Nunn
Darwinist prof gets ‘theological’ in the classroom
11 Oct 2014
A response to David Barash’s op-ed about how he preaches an anti-religious sermon in his biology classes.
by Keaton Halley, Jonathan Sarfati
Lessons from Augustine’s De Genesi ad Litteram—Libri Duodecim
10 Oct 2014
Augustine’s works are sometimes wrongly used to pour scorn on young-earth creationists.
by Andrew Sibley
On the origin of universes by means of natural selection
09 Oct 2014
Because our universe is in such a stable state, it speaks of a Creator and causes major headaches for atheists.
by John G. Hartnett
Matthew Fontaine Maury
08 Oct 2014
Matthew Fontaine Maury, a scientist, creationist, and Christian mapped the earth’s currents and winds for the benefits of all.
by Effie Munday
Eve’s offspring, the serpent, and his offspring—Part 3
07 Oct 2014
From Genesis to Revelation, the idea of offspring is important to the story of salvation. Part 3 of this series follows the theme through Jesus and the church.
by Lita Sanders
Katydid’s amazing ear design
06 Oct 2014
Katydids solve acoustic impedance matching problem in tiny ears on their legs. This could inspire designs of tiny microphones.
by Jonathan Sarfati