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What The Shack gets right
07 Mar 2017
The Shack is dangerous because of what it gets wrong, but its appeal is in what it gets right. How should Christians concerned about doctrine respond?
by Lita Sanders
Big bang beliefs: busted
06 Mar 2017
Big bang cosmogony requires many fudge factors to stay afloat, including dark matter, dark energy, and faster-than-light inflation.
by John Hartnett
Why doesn’t God answer all our questions?
04 Mar 2017
Scripture answers many of our questions, if we know how to think about Scripture’s teaching and how to apply it.
by Lita Sanders
Ultracool Trappist-1 and its seven planets
03 Mar 2017
The discovery of seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, with three in the habitable zone, has given rise to claims of habitability. However, neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
Wishful thinking about nature’s abilities
02 Mar 2017
Many believers in nature’s capacity for evolutionary innovation think the sky’s the limit—yet their allegedly ‘naturalistic science’ writings betray a faith in the abilities of ‘Nature’ that borders on paganism.
by Philip Bell
Gecko foot design—could it lead to a real ‘spiderman’?
01 Mar 2017
A tiny lizard can perform feats that superheroes can only dream about.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Hawking fear of aliens
28 Feb 2017
Stephen Hawking worries that ET will be two-billion-years ‘more evolved’
by David Catchpoole
It’s an attractive web they weave
27 Feb 2017
Did you know that the electrostatic properties of spider webs, and a ‘quirk of physics’, causes them to actively spring towards airborne objects?
by David Catchpoole
Is the universe a simulation?
09 Jul 2022
Are we in the Matrix, or are we safe to assume that the world we’re in is real?
by Shaun Doyle
Evidence some woolly mammoths asphyxiated from dust
24 Feb 2017
Windy conditions after the Ice Age may have caused the demise of these iconic animals.
by Michael Oard
Norma McCorvey, 1947–2017
23 Feb 2017
Better known as Roe from Roe v. Wade, Norma McCorvey later became pro-life.
by Lita Sanders
Creation days and Orthodox Jewish tradition
22 Feb 2017
When the traditional sources are consulted, a day is literally a day.
by Paul James-Griffiths