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17 Oct 2018
The incredible geological features that defy explanation within a secular interpretation.
by Michael Oard
The frantic search for extraterrestrial life
16 Oct 2018
What are the chances for extraterrestrial life? Could life evolve from non-living chemicals? Are there any suitable planets apart from ours?
by Henry Richter
Will there be another Ice Age
15 Oct 2018
Despite dire warnings that humanity has so impacted the world that there is a possibility of a global weather catastrophe, what can the Bible teach us about such claims?
by Cody Guitard
Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts in a biblical cosmology
13 Oct 2018
When did stars explode, and how can we see their light under a biblical time frame? Are they compatible with a very good creation?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Superflares and the origin of life on Earth
12 Oct 2018
Could solar superflares have made the supposed ‘early’ Earth inhospitable for life?
by Andrew Sibley
Nazi child euthanasia and Hans Asperger
11 Oct 2018
A new study shows that Hans Asperger actively assisted the Nazi eugenics policies.
by Russell Grigg
Born connected
10 Oct 2018
In a society where most people ask their questions using Google, the Bible has life-changing answers.
by Thomas Fretwell
Bioethicists obsessed with killing babies—why?
09 Oct 2018
Explaining a worrying trend in bioethics.
by Lita Sanders
The hummingbird: creation’s superhero
08 Oct 2018
Evolution cannot explain the appearance of the first bird, but the awe-inspiring hummingbird baffles that idea beyond all reason.
by Scott Gillis
Do these skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans?
06 Oct 2018
Do these skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans?
by Joel Tay
Did the Mediterranean Sea desiccate numerous times?
05 Oct 2018
Unusually deep evaporite deposits underneath the Mediterranean have some scientists scratching their heads—but there is a biblical answer to the mystery.
by Michael J. Oard
Your Spectacular 2019 Creation Calendar
04 Oct 2018
Majestic creation wonders from all over the world.
by Tas Walker