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Compromising chaplain castigates creation
02 Oct 2010
A theistic evolutionary chaplain explains why he blocked the Ark Van from his school. His errors in theology, logic and science are thoroughly refuted.
by Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati
Dino stumble preserved in Utah fossil trackways
01 Oct 2010
Evolutionists miss obvious evidence for Noah’s Flood because of preoccupation with dino-to-bird speculation
by Tas Walker
How did the toucan get its beak?
30 Sep 2010
Darwin suggested the toucan’s monstrous bill attracted mates—but now we know how the toucan keeps its ‘cool’.
by David Catchpoole
Made in the image of God
16 Mar 2016
What does it mean that human beings are ‘made in the image of God’?
by Russell Grigg
Hawking atheopathy
28 Sep 2010
Stephen Hawking is still using tendentious cosmological speculation to support his atheopathic faith
by Jonathan Sarfati
Death throes
27 Sep 2010
Why have so many fossil creatures been preserved in the ‘dead dinosaur posture’?
by David Catchpoole
Animal cruelty and vegetarianism
25 Sep 2010
The Bible calls people to treat animals humanely, but does that mean we should be vegetarians?
by Lita Sanders
Climate models fail warm climates
24 Sep 2010
Why tropical fossils at high latitudes are a headache for climate models
by Michael J Oard
‘Big Man’ and ‘Lucy’
23 Sep 2010
Was the latest fossil find, ‘Big Man,’ a large australopith (an extinct primate like the famous Lucy)? If we ignore the dating, he might turn out to be a human.
by Peter Line
Strategy of the Devil
22 Sep 2010
by Russell Grigg
Is the Bible ‘evil’?
21 Sep 2010
A number of antitheistic sites lurk in the darker hovels of the Internet. They always feature decontextualized lists of Bible ‘contradictions’ and ‘atrocities’, but they are not hard to refute.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Supercomputer to brain-storm the human brain
20 Sep 2010
Attempts to mimic the brain’s ability show just how incredible our brains are.
by Don Batten