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Darwin’s finches
13 May 2009
Evidence supporting rapid post-Flood adaptation.
by Carl Wieland
Now a Creationist
12 May 2009
CMI Ph.D. scientist and author, Jonathan Sarfati, explains to an outside site what turned him to biblical creation
by Jonathan Sarfati
Real tricks with hypothetical animals
11 May 2009
A university lecturer tells students all about the first multi-celled animal—except it is purely imaginary.
by Tas Walker
Dino proteins and blood vessels: are they a big deal?
09 May 2009
One blog claimed, ‘finding the rare, hardy biomolecule from dinosaurs is nothing to get excited about’. But see why proteins could survive the Flood but not eons.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
Is the human pharynx poorly designed?
08 May 2009
Evolutionists love to claim that our throat design is too poor for a creator. But its design is actually superior to the hypothetical alternatives.
by Jerry Bergman
Review of Dr Jonathan Sarfati’s book By Design:
07 May 2009
Independent reviewer is impressed with the scientific arguments for the wonders of design and against chemical evolution. Also, the biblical framework answers questions fumbled by the Intelligent Design movement.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dinosaur soft tissue and protein—even more confirmation!
06 May 2009
Mary Schweitzer announces even stronger evidence, this time from a duckbilled dino fossil, of even more proteins—and the same amazingly preserved flexible blood vessel and cell structures as before.
by Carl Wieland
The BBC TV series Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
04 May 2021
Leading presenter Andrew Marr’s 3-part TV series adulates Darwin and his ideas, but makes some important admissions about their tragic consequences.
by Philip Bell
Lunar volcanoes rock long-age timeframe
22 Jul 2020
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker, David Catchpoole
The human umbilical vesicle (‘yolk sac’) and pronephros—Are they vestigial?
02 May 2009
A university lecturer teaches that the human umbilical vesicle (‘yolk sac’) and other temporary embryonic structures are vestigial—evidence that we evolved. Is this so?
by Andrew Lamb and Jonathan Sarfati
Creation or evolution: choose wisely!
01 May 2009
The creation-evolution debate is not a storm in a tea-cup.
by David Anderson
‘Plants rights’? The latest evolutionary absurdity
30 Apr 2009
An evolutionary “ethics” committee in Europe bizarrely decrees “plant rights”. This is the logical outcome of denying man as created in God’s image.
by Lita Sanders