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Reincarnation vs Creation
06 May 2008
How should Christians respond to the growing popularity of Buddhism and the associated idea of reincarnation?
by Steve Cioccolanti
Another leggy snake?
29 Apr 2008
Discovering leg bones in the fossil snake Eupodophis has evolutionists excited. But are leggy snakes ‘primitive’, and what have they to do with the Curse in Genesis 3?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Bye-bye, big bang?
28 Apr 2008
A high-redshift quasar within lower-redshift galaxy NGC 7319 disproves traditional big bang assumptions demonstrates secular astronomer Halton Arp.
by John Hartnett
Pain in childbirth: result of the Fall or fear?
26 Apr 2008
A reader questions whether the curse on Eve was more about the anguish of raising children
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Importance of Evidence
25 Apr 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David Catchpoole
Swedish trees older than the universe?
23 Apr 2008
A closer look at a claim about the world’s oldest trees—allegedly older than the biblical date of creation.
by Carl Wieland
Peacock poppycock?
21 Apr 2008
Darwin’s attempt to explain how the peacock’s tail evolved is being sharply criticized—by evolutionists.
by David Catchpoole
Genesis: History … or Mystery?
16 Apr 2008
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. But what would happen if there were no history to learn from?
by Calvin Smith
Diamonds in days (actually, minutes!)
15 Apr 2008
Diamonds just don’t need millions of years to form, but only days, or hours, or even minutes!
by Richard Fangrad
Could Adam have appealed the verdict?
11 Apr 2012
How does Adam’s conviction and sentence by God for the sin of ‘rebellion’ compare with today’s legal procedures?
by R. Grigg
Was Dawkins stumped?
12 Apr 2008
Our Frog to a Prince DVD shows the Apostle of Atheism unable to provide an example of information increase in the genome. See timeline, raw footage, and answer to critics.
by Andrew Lamb
Creation in Kazakhstan
08 Apr 2008
Dr Werner Gitt spreads the message—and reaps a Gospel harvest—in this majority Muslim country.
by Shaun Doyle