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Terrible lizards trapped by terrible Flood
05 May 2021
What happened to the dinosaur struggling to maintain its course in deep flowing water?
by Tas Walker
Darwin’s ‘yard apes’
08 Jul 2009
A deadly hurricane exposes an even deadlier philosophy.
by Gary DeMar
Feathery flight of fancy
25 May 2007
Microscopy of the famed Sinosauropteryx ‘dino-bird’ fossil shows the idea of ‘protofeathers’ fails under close scrutiny
by Shaun Doyle
Ockham’s Razor and creation/evolution
22 May 2007
When Ockham’s Razor is applied to aspects of the creation/evolution debate, the results are clearly on the side of creation and against evolution.
by Russell Grigg
Darwin and eugenics
18 Mar 2009
Many evolutionists claim that ‘Social Darwinism’ is a distortion of Darwin’s teaching. Yet he clearly held to many social Darwinist views, and his cousin and son promoted eugenics.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Bunchberry bang!
16 May 2007
High-speed video cameras have catapulted the bunchberry dogwood plant into the spotlight—and the record books.
by David Catchpoole
The Ark Van ministry
08 Sep 2016
Travelling Australia and the world beyond talking about Noah and the Ark.
by N/A
Conspiracy and doomsday scenarios: should Christians be worried?
12 May 2007
Was the US Government really behind 9/11? Is destructive weather really being generated by secret ‘scalar interferometry’ weapons? Are such claims true, and what should Christians do about it?
by Andrew Lamb
Genesis—the seedbed of all Christian doctrine
11 May 2007
A compact, point-by-point demonstration of the oft-stated and important claim that virtually all Christian doctrine is dependent on, or founded in, the history in the book of Genesis.
by Russell Grigg
Is the evolutionary tree turning into a creationist orchard?
10 May 2007
Genome sequences of microorganisms create problems for the evolutionary tree but support the biblical ‘kind’ concept.
by Pierre Jerlström
Birds: fliers from the beginning
08 May 2007
Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis were fully-formed birds, conflicting with the evolutionary dinos-to-birds narrative.
by Jonathan Sarfati
07 May 2007
Tiny features in granite rocks make no sense in an evolutionary framework, but are powerful evidence of biblical creation and the Flood.
by Andrew A. Snelling