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A biblical basis for ecology, with applications in mycorrhizal symbioses in orchids
27 Aug 2010
How can we use the Bible as a basis for understanding the interrelationships between different organisms in the ecosystem?
by Tom Hennigan
‘Moa’s Ark’ vs Noah’s Ark
26 Aug 2010
How and when did the moa, kiwi and other flightless birds get to New Zealand? Accumulating evidence has upset long-held evolutionary ideas.
by David Catchpoole
Red-blooded evidence
19 Jun 2013
Refuting the evolutionary ‘sea-water’ argument.
by Don Batten
The use of Genesis in the New Testament
21 Jun 2022
Why should New Testament scholars care about the interpretation of Genesis? Because the New Testament quotes it frequently—as history!
by Lita Sanders
The birds of the Galápagos
19 Jul 2023
Darwin thought he saw evolution, but these island birds really support the biblical Creation/Fall/Flood/Dispersion model.
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
Scientific blunder in Creation mag interview?
21 Aug 2010
A critic accuses one of our magazine interviewees of chemical ignorance. The interviewer, a Ph.D. chemist, shows that the ignorance lies with the critic.
by Jonathan Sarfati
An ‘introduction’, in-depth
20 Aug 2010
A review of The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems by William A. Dembski and Jonathan Wells
by Lael Weinberger
Carl Sagan and Contact: Defiance of God and promotion of ET
19 Aug 2010
We answer Carl Sagan's militant attacks on God, the Bible and Christianity in his novel and film Contact.
by Russell Grigg
The mind of God and the ‘big bang’
06 Jan 2024
Classic article refuting the big bang re-posted after 30 years, with lots of updates but not corrections. The updates reinforce the claims of the originals.
by Russell Grigg
Does God’s foreknowledge entail fatalism?
17 Aug 2010
Does God’s foreknowledge impair free will? See the fallacy in modal logic that critics fall for.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Brain scientist helps develop young Christian minds
16 Aug 2010
Dr David DeWitt explains some amazing designs of life, and why Neandertals were fully human not ‘ape-men’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is there scientific proof of the existence of God?
14 Aug 2010
Can science even give such proof?
by Mark Harwood