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Ardipithecus again
04 Oct 2009
The papers are full of “Ardipithecus” or “Ardi”—many would not realize it’s just a lot more detail on the same creature we wrote about in 2001.
by Carl Wieland
“Change” is not Evolution; and: Could so many Israelites have crossed the Red Sea?
03 Oct 2009
Could the Israelites leaving Egypt have really made it across the Red Sea in just a day?
by Don Batten and Lita Cosner
Assumptions, presumptions and the future of faith
02 Oct 2009
A review of Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith by Philip Kitcher.
by Lael Weinberger
An ancient textile factory?
01 Oct 2009
When a so-called ‘Stone Age’ site gives evidence of sophisticated textile processing, the idea that these were grunting cavemen takes a hit.
by Robert W. Carter
America’s evolutionists: Hitler’s inspiration?
30 Sep 2009
Did American Darwinist eugenicists inspire Hitler?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The biblical roots of modern science
29 Sep 2009
The Christian worldview began modern science. A straightforward understanding of Scripture advanced scientific methods still further. And belief in Adam’s Fall inspired scientists to try to reach his pre-Fall knowledge.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Anyone for fundamentalism?
06 Jun 2012
Those who believe the Bible are often linked with Islamic terrorists through a term that used to have an honourable meaning, but is now viewed as derogatory. What does ‘fundamentalism’ mean nowadays?
by Russell Grigg
Is teaching creation the solution to violent crime?
26 Sep 2009
Evil has been around in the world a long time. But today, evolutionary teaching gives evil-doers the justification they previously lacked.
by David Catchpoole
A fresh look at Nebraska man
25 Sep 2009
An honest mistake by an honest scientist or a deceptive stunt, during the famous Scopes Trial, to secularize education policy in America?
by Andrew Sibley
The enemy revealed
24 Sep 2009
The root cause of why Christianity is losing the younger generation.
by Calvin Smith
Godly lessons from evolution superheroes
22 Sep 2009
Science fiction with its pervasive evolutionary undertones has a massive influence on young minds, as the author can testify. Parents and youth leaders need to be especially aware of this…
by Phil Robinson
Jupiter: King of the planets and testament to our Creator
21 Sep 2009
This beautiful giant planet baffles evolutionary astronomers.
by Spike Psarris