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The Darwin Anniversary
24 Nov 2009
November 24, 2009, is the 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species. How should we respond?
by Carl Wieland
Living on Boulder Hill
23 Nov 2009
For years Mark Howard had watched builders digging on his housing estate but the significance of what they were uncovering never occurred to him.
by Mark Howard
The Fourth Kind vs The Bible
21 Nov 2009
CMI’s review of the latest ‘aliens’ movie has certainly stirred readers’ passions.
by Gary Bates
The Design Paradigm
20 Nov 2009
The continued dominance of the design paradigm in architecture raises questions about the usefulness of evolutionary theory.
by Janet Henriksen
Did God create life on other planets?
19 Nov 2009
Would God create such a huge universe and not fill it with intelligent species? Actually, God has clearly revealed in His Word why not, and the purpose of the vastness of the cosmos
by Gary Bates
Researcher speaks up on pressure to conform
17 Nov 2009
Whether from self-censorship or peer review, data that goes against ‘the prevailing view’ doesn’t get published.
by Carl Wieland
A Witness at the “ends of the earth”
16 Nov 2009
Polynesian preservation: Knowledge of the one true Creator God retained for millennia.
by Adrian Bates
Challenge to creationists:
14 Nov 2009
Is the panda’s thumb an example of natural selection increasing diversity?
by David Catchpoole and Carl Wieland
Evidence for the design of life: part 1—Genetic redundancy
13 Nov 2009
This big surprise in modern biology brings down more than one pillar of contemporary evolutionary thinking.
by Peer Terborg
Natural selection cannot explain the origin of life
31 Mar 2021
The evolutionary hype around this month’s celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species ignores a key problem that even Darwin acknowledged.
by DC, JS & DB
Muscle and blood found in an “18-million-year-old” fossil!
11 Nov 2009
The best ever find of preserved soft tissue yet documented in the fossil record gives powerful evidence for the Bible.
by Carl Wieland
Picture Gorge shouts sudden cataclysm
10 Nov 2009
But most geologists don’t see it because they’re not looking for it.
by Steve Wolfe