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Atheists to do religious education in schools
19 Dec 2008
The government of Victoria, Australia, looks set to approve atheists teaching their destructive beliefs to young children.
by Don Batten and Russell Grigg
Refutation of New Scientist’s Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions
18 Dec 2008
Fourth instalment of New Scientist refutation shows that even modern developments in evolutionary theory are hopeless. Includes Haldane’s Dilemma and the bacterial flagellum.
by Jonathan Sarfati
How dating methods work
28 Oct 2023
Radioactive dating sounds complicated but it is really quite simple.
by Tas Walker
The gift of death? Planned Parenthood offers abortion gift cards for Christmas
16 Dec 2008
Planned Parenthood, a major abortion provider, loves to offer death when Christians celebrate life. PP’s racist and eugenicist roots are a well-kept secret by its supporters, including the recent president-elect.
by Lita Sanders
Ancient mariners had current knowledge
15 Dec 2008
Centuries ago, mariners accurately mapped navigational information. This discovery has astonished oceanographers.
by David Catchpoole
Transplants, xenotransplants, xenotransfusion and xenoexperimentation—Are they ethical? Do they show we evolved from animals?
13 Dec 2008
Are blood transfusions and organ transplants ethical? What about animal-to-human? Animal organs are routinely transplanted into humans (xenotransplantation); researchers test on animals first, then humans. Is this ethical?
by Andrew Lamb and Jonathan Sarfati
Tiktaalik—sticking its head out of water?
12 Dec 2008
Does this new look at an old fossil tell us anything new about Tiktaalik’s head?
by Shaun Doyle
Identification of species within the cattle monobaramin (kind)
13 Nov 2015
What species fall into the biblical kind for cattle?
by Jean K. Lightner
Are you ready to witness to the Truth?
10 Dec 2008
Christians are told to use every opportunity to preach the Good News to those who are perishing. But what if people raise evolution as an objection to the Bible being true?
by Patrick Currie
Panderichthys—a fish with fingers?
09 Dec 2008
What of the latest ‘missing link’ offered up for fish-to-tetrapod evolution?
by Shaun Doyle
Don’t fall for the bait and switch
08 Dec 2008
Is evolution true? Well … yes and no. It all depends on what you mean by ‘evolution’.
by Tas Walker
Unfair to Islam? Round 2
06 Dec 2008
More on the ‘peaceful Muslim majority’, Islamic history and current practices.
by Jonathan Sarfati