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Evolution’s influence on modern Bible translations
17 Dec 2014
Attempts to ‘modernize’ the Bible run into problems when they are based on anything other than the original language.
by Charles Taylor
The Unbelievers: A Review
16 Dec 2014
This documentary follows prominent evolutionists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss, and gives a revealing look at atheism.
by Lita Sanders
The violent volcanoes of Io
15 Dec 2014
Spectacular evidence for a young solar system
by David Coppedge
Geological excursion at Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland
14 Dec 2014
Interprets World Heritage Site using biblical history.
by Tas Walker
Vestigial organs
13 Dec 2014
Evolutionists are being forced to rethink so-called vestigial organs in the light of some embarrassing and harmful mistakes.
by Robert H Franks
Inbreeding and the origin of races
12 Dec 2014
Does inbreeding in people groups explain so-called races?
by Robert Carter
The revolt against Darwinism
11 Dec 2014
Hundreds of scientists say they are skeptical of claims that random mutation and natural selection can account for the complexity of life.
by John Hartnett
Kangaroos: God’s amazing craftsmanship
10 Dec 2014
Did you know that this faunal icon of Australia uses less energy to breathe when it’s hopping than when it’s standing still?
by Rebecca Driver
Why is Adam under pressure?
09 Dec 2014
The growing antagonism towards God in Western culture requires materialists to insist on a godless, naturalistic explanation for origins—hence they cling to evolution as the only alternative.
by Andrew Rowell
Eve created from Adam’s rib
08 Dec 2014
Why did God make Eve from Adam’s rib?
by Russell Grigg
Exploring the God Question 1. The Cosmos, Part 2 (Multiverses)
07 Dec 2014
A DVD discussing whether or not God exists promotes multiverses, not Genesis.
by Russell Grigg
A review of the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings
06 Dec 2014
Movie makers continue to find new and creative ways to present events from history. Moses and the Jewish nation’s exodus from Egypt again get the Hollywood ‘treatment’.
by Warren Nunn