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Thinking about chronology
09 Feb 2015
How do various chronologies fit in the biblical framework?
by Lita Sanders
Did Adam and Eve have to eat before the Fall?
08 Feb 2015
Answering questions about whether Adam and Eve needed to eat before the Fall and why the Bible mentions gold in the Garden of Eden.
by Shaun Doyle
Questions about Mormon theology
07 Feb 2015
Are Mormons right to claim their understanding of the Genesis account is an acceptable exegesis?
by Scott Gillis and Shaun Doyle
‘Evolutionary creation’—evolution rules supreme
06 Feb 2015
Yet another influential Christian academic tries to shoehorn evolution into the Bible but gets lost in a maze of contradictions.
by John Woodmorappe
New study confirms BICEP2 detection of cosmic inflation wrong
05 Feb 2015
The much-trumpeted discovery of cosmic inflation has been shown to be wrong.
by John <strong>Hartnett</strong>
Biblical reasons to affirm the creation days were 24 hour periods
11 Jun 2024
There are sound biblical reasons to interpret the days of creation as normal-length days.
by Lita Sanders
The myth of 1%
02 Feb 2015
It has become dogma that human and chimp DNA is ‘only’ 1% different, but this is very, very wrong.
by Don Batten
Are we made in God’s bodily likeness?
01 Feb 2015
A reader suggests our physical form is like God’s spiritual form. Can Scripture help us decide if that understanding is correct?
by Shaun Doyle
Know thy enemy
31 Jan 2015
Even though CMI’s opponents often raise the same arguments to our questioning of evolution, it’s important to re-address such objections to show we have solid answers.
by Shaun Doyle
Fossil range extensions continue
30 Jan 2015
Archaeological and palaeontological discoveries continue to push back the evolutionary story by millions of years.
by Michael J Oard
Could a good and loving God have used evolution? No way!
29 Jan 2015
Could a good and loving God have used evolution? No way!
by Russell Grigg
The way we are—psychology and Genesis
28 Jan 2015
The psychological problems that many people experience can be linked to man’s broken relationship with God as recorded in Genesis.
by Christelle Withers-Mayne