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The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui
20 Jan 2017
An intriguing archaeological find raises comparisons with the biblical account of the Fall.
by Stephen Brennecke
How do I approach my pastor about Genesis?
19 Jan 2017
When you feel that there is compromise in your church’s pulpit about the Bible’s first book, how should you deal with the situation?
by Several CMI staff members
The vanishing giant
18 Jan 2017
For creatures to fossilize, special conditions need to exist.
by Carl Wieland
Celebrating gender confusion
17 Jan 2017
How should Christians react when the media glorifies what Scripture condemns?
by Lita Sanders
The Z-factor
07 Mar 2024
What was the ‘Z-factor’ that convinced a university geology lecturer of a 6,000-year-old earth?
by David Catchpoole
Feathered forerunner or flight of fancy?
14 Jan 2017
Have evolutionists finally found proof that dinosaurs had feathers? If so, what does it mean?
by Calvin Smith
‘Prehistoric’ Preachers: Dinosaurs as “the gateway drug to atheism”
12 Jan 2017
Dinosaurs are relentlessly used by a mendacious media to promote evolution (even atheism)—in fact, they’re ‘Exhibit A’ for the world’s true history recorded in Genesis.
by Thomas Fretwell
The Amazing Stone Bears of Yorkshire
11 Jan 2017
The notion that petrification processes take thousands of years blown out of the water in a matter of weeks.
by Monty White
Now you see it, now you don’t!
10 Jan 2017
Some evolutionists insist they observe evolution happening all around us while others say it happens too slowly to be able to observe. How can it be both?
by Calvin Smith
How did the waters of Noah’s Flood drain off the continents?
09 Jan 2017
How did they drain off the continents?
by Mike Oard
The scientific case against evolution
07 Jan 2017
How do evolutionists construct their scientific case for evolution? How can the creationist respond in scientific terms?
by Shaun Doyle
“Evolutionary creation”, round squares, and other nonsense
05 Jan 2017
BioLogos says Christians should consider evolutionary creation. Here’s why they’re wrong.
by Lita Sanders