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How does andesite lava originate in the earth?
02 Oct 2015
Questionable assumptions about how volcanic andesite lava is produced suggests caution before accepting uniformitarian interpretations.
by Michael J. Oard
‘How do we know that evolution is really happening?’
01 Oct 2015
A point-by-point response to the BBC’s recent propaganda piece on The Big Questions: Evolution
by Mike Guddat
Bahá’í (Mis-)Behaviour
29 Sep 2015
Tolerant and peace-loving Bahá’í followers never argue—or so they argue.
by David Catchpoole
The camel—a drought-defying marvel of design
28 Sep 2015
Camels can tolerate up to 30% loss of bodyweight by dehydration—twice that which would kill most other mammals.
by Michael Eggleton
Why did God create Satan?
26 Sep 2015
If God is all-knowing and all-good, why did He make the devil?
by Keaton Halley
C. Everett Koop—Christian and Darwin doubter
25 Sep 2015
A United States Surgeon General who was also an esteemed academic often voiced his scientific objections to evolution.
by Jerry Bergman
Winning back the culture
24 Sep 2015
We all have a role to play in evangelism, and CMI can help!
by Paul Price
What to make of Homo naledi?
22 Sep 2015
Homo naledi is another case of selective interpretation of the evidence to ‘prove’ evolution of man from apelike ancestors.
by Marc Ambler
James Hutton: the man who warped time
21 Sep 2015
How James Hutton introduced deep time, and created the greatest error in geology today.
by Russell Grigg
Believing a ‘literal Genesis’ is ‘flesh-minded’?
19 Sep 2015
An answer to the serious charge that CMI’s stance on Genesis is contrary to the ‘life in the Spirit’, betraying instead a carnal or ‘fleshly’ mindset.
by Philip Bell
More evidence for the reality of genetic entropy
18 Sep 2015
How studying the influenza virus gives clues about natural selection.
by Robert W. Carter
Eight churches unite to oppose apostasy
17 Sep 2015
What event in a small town would instigate eight churches to team up and stand for the truth?
by Scott Gillis