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If God can do anything, then can He make a being more powerful than Himself?
12 Jan 2008
Can an omnipotent being make a being more powerful than himself, or a rock too heavy for him to lift? How should we understand ‘nothing is impossible for God’?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Let the blind see …
11 Jan 2008
Breeding blind fish with blind fish restores sight for many of them—but should evolutionists be crowing?
by Dr Carl Wieland
The ‘waters above’
10 Jan 2008
A ‘halo of dust and debris, largely made up of water-ice, surrounds the solar system. Could this be the ‘waters above’ of Genesis 1:7?
by John Hartnett
Mud experiments overturn long-held geological beliefs
05 Aug 2021
A call for a radical reappraisal of all previous interpretations of mudstone deposits
by Tas Walker
The Fall: a ‘glorious necessity’?!
07 Jan 2008
Mormons teach that Adam did a good thing in sinning. Getting Genesis so wrong leads to other strange beliefs that bear little resemblance to Christianity.
by Maxwell Brown
More about moths
05 Jan 2008
A recent attempt to restore the reputation of the peppered moth as an evolutionary icon falls flat
by Carl Wieland
A fossil is a fossil is a fossil. Right?
03 Jan 2008
Do today’s definitions of the word ‘fossil’ rule out a biblical timescale by default?
by Cecil Allen
Morning Glory’s Designer Label clothing
24 Mar 2021
Whatever the flower colour of your morning glory plant, it did not evolve that way.
by David Catchpoole
Biblical Archaeology: Year 2007 in review
28 Dec 2007
It’s been a big year for biblical archaeology, from the seal of Jezebel to the discovery of Nehemiah’s wall.
by Daniel Anderson
Christmas and Genesis
21 Dec 2023
How does creation relate to this season? Because the babe in Bethlehem was the Creator of the Universe!
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Does gene duplication provide the engine for evolution?
20 Dec 2007
There are a number of problems with evolution by gene duplication and mutation.
by Jerry Bergman
Hibernation, Migration and the Ark
12 Dec 2007
A tiny marsupial that can hibernate for over a year—should we use this to help ‘explain’ the feasibility of a year-long journey by animals on the Ark?
by Carl Wieland