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Darwin’s impact—the bloodstained legacy of evolution
08 Mar 2017
How Darwin’s ideas led Marx, Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot to become mass murderers.
by Raymond Hall
Super shells
19 Jul 2017
The giant conch shell has been hailed by evolutionists as ‘one of nature’s greatest engineering masterpieces’. What makes it so special?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Intelligent Design—‘A War on Science’ says the BBC
07 May 2006
The BBC’s war on belief in a Designer; Russell Grigg and Jonathan Sarfati counter-attack against BBC presuppositional bigotry and pseudo-science.
by Russell Grigg and Jonathan Sarfati
Did Jesus walk on ice?
22 Sep 2022
Ice floes on the Sea of Galilee? Dissolving yet another sad attempt to explain away one of Jesus’ miracles.
Immeasurable Age
30 Jul 2022

How old is the earth and how can we tell?

by Andrew Lamb
Do toads goad snake evolution?
10 Mar 2021

Rapid evolution?—Are Aussie snakes really evolving to cope with toxic toads? CMI’s Dr David Catchpoole investigates.

by David Catchpoole
Saved via aliens?
20 Apr 2006

CMI’s UFO specialist Gary Bates recently undertook a nationwide tour of Australia. His landmark book Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection is one of our most popular titles, being eagerly read by Christians and non-Christians alike. Its success has amply demonstrated that there is huge interest in the subject of UFOs, extraterrestrial life and associated phenomena, and it shows no signs of abating.

by Gary Bates
Adam’s Brothers? Race, Science, and Genesis Before Darwin
27 Feb 2006
Adam’s Brothers? Race, Science, and Genesis Before Darwin
by Lael Weinberger (guest author)
How did fish and plants survive the Genesis Flood?
24 Feb 2006
How did fish and plants survive the Genesis Flood?
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
Refuting Evolution chapter 8: How old is the earth?
25 Nov 2023
Free chapter on the Earth's age and ‘dating’ methods, from the world’s best selling creationist book (after the Bible!).
by Jonathan Sarfati
Radiometric dating breakthroughs
26 Oct 2022
Radiometric dating breakthroughs
by Carl Wieland, Australia
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist …
29 Jun 2022
An aerospace engineer who designs missiles shoots down evolutionary ideas.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati