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Fantastic voyage from the womb
20 Mar 2019
The amazing changes in a new born baby’s circulation
by Lainna Callentine
Can Christians add the big bang to the Bible?
19 Mar 2019
God tells us in Genesis how and when He created the heavens and the earth. It wasn’t by means of a bang no matter how big.
by Russell Grigg
The ‘water-walking’ lizard
18 Mar 2019
The incredible basilisk has an amazing ability that allows it to skim across the water.
by Michael Eggleton
Biblical inerrancy and the age of the earth
16 Mar 2019
Everyone is on a journey.
by Tas Walker
Can biologically active sequences come from random DNA?
15 Mar 2019
Can random DNA sequences be a source of evolutionary novelty?
by Robert Carter
The Lost World of Walton
14 Mar 2019
Wheaton college professors write a series of books encouraging evangelicals to abandon the biblical understanding of Creation and the Flood as taught by Christ and the NT writers.
by Gavin Cox
Continental margins
13 Mar 2019
Below the sea around land masses there is evidence of rapid water run-off, not slow and gradual erosion.
by Michael J. Oard
Hachimoji DNA argues against evolution, despite recent claims
12 Mar 2019
Evolutionists claim that an eight-letter DNA alphabet called hachimoji allows for more varied evolution of life, but simple science shows otherwise.
by Matthew Cserhati, Robert Carter
Hebrew professor affirms Genesis as real history
11 Mar 2019
Dr Stephen Schrader, former Old Testament Department Chair and Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, explains the importance of a historical Genesis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Where can we find creation-based education in astronomy and geology?
09 Mar 2019
What colleges would you recommend for my children?
by Tas Walker and Joel Tay
Extensive mixing among Israelites and non-Israelites in biblical history
08 Mar 2019
Does the Bible point to much genetic mixing in Israel?
by Robert Carter
Do ‘Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence’?
07 Mar 2019
CMI responds to a common catchphrase used by skeptics.
by Paul Price