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Challenging dogmas
13 Feb 2012
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
The mental furniture of ‘deep time’
12 Feb 2012
Throwing out the really old furniture.
by Don Batten
Skeptic puzzled by ‘Question Evolution’ campaign
11 Feb 2012
CMI’s point-by-point response to a respectful, thoughtful enquiry by professed atheist and evolutionary neuroscientist.
by Philip Bell
Flood models and biblical realism
10 Feb 2012
Much disagreement exists among biblical creationists about how the Flood occurred. How should we proceed?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
More space travel problems: g-forces
18 Jul 2023
A spacecraft travelling at merely a third of the speed of light would take over 13 years to reach the nearest star. But slowing down and turning would generate fatal g-forces.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Meeting the ancestors
08 Feb 2012
Noah’s father, Lamech, could have talked to Adam!
by Russell Grigg
The Fall and the existence of other religions
07 Feb 2012
If there is only one true god, then how come the world today has diverse religions?
by Lita Sanders
Herbert Spencer
06 Feb 2012
Spencer is most (in)famous for applying survival of the fittest to human society—the strongest and fittest should flourish, while the weak and unfit should die!
by Russell Grigg
Is evolution to blame?
05 Feb 2012
Is evolution really at the heart of race-based atrocities and abortion?
by Carl Wieland
Is ATP synthase found in all life?
04 Feb 2012
Must naturalism account for the existence of ATP synthase in first life?
by Brian Thomas
A sloppy kind of Christianity
03 Feb 2012
A review of A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith by ‘emergent church’ leader Brian McLaren
by James Patrick Holding
Is DNA coded information?
02 Feb 2012
In different contexts, the same sequence of DNA bases can have vastly different meanings.
by Shaun Doyle, Dominic Statham