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Fallacy: creationists can’t be scientists!
21 Jul 2015
Logical fallacies that evolutionists love to use, and how to recognize them.
by Mark Howard
Divine Design, in more ways than one: The journey of John Leslie in science, medicine, and ministry
20 Jul 2015
The journey of John Leslie in science, medicine and ministry.
by Daniel Davidson
The god-of-the-gaps charge doesn’t stick
17 Aug 2023
Answering a prominent theistic evolutionist who claims that creationists argue for design based on ignorance.
by Keaton Halley
Overdesign in the human being with a case study of facial expressions
17 Jul 2015
The human face is a clear example of overdesign that defies evolutionary explanations.
by Stuart Burgess
Busting Myths!
16 Jul 2015
A new CMI resource helps bust the myth that no real scientist believes in creation.
by Gary bates
Can they all be wrong?
10 Nov 2021
Evolution must be true because most scientists agree it is; but is that really the case?
by Carl Wieland
Alien Intrusion celebrates 10 years
14 Jul 2015
Alien Intrusion is still answering tough questions about aliens and UFOs 10 years later!
by Carl Wieland
The Lake Missoula flood—clues for the Genesis Flood
13 Jul 2015
Clues for the Genesis Flood
by Michael J. Oard
Did Jesus believe Genesis?
11 Jul 2015
Does the New Testament give us enough information to say what Jesus thought about Genesis?
by Lita Sanders
The meaning of the Great Unconformity and Sauk Megasequence
10 Jul 2015
Uniformitarians confronted by the Great Unconformity in the geological record should consider that it was caused by a global catastrophe.
by Michael J. Oard
Expanding the Kingdom?
09 Jul 2015
Why is the Western world becoming less Christian?
by Gary Bates
The seven-day cycle
08 Jul 2015
It doesn’t divide into the year and it doesn’t fit into the month! So where does the seven-day week come from?
by David Malcolm