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Time travel and moral implications
07 Aug 2010
What are the moral implications of time travel? Is it even logically possible?
by Carl Wieland
Creation, preservation and dominion: God, humanity and the created order (Part 1)
06 Aug 2010
What is the biblical view of man’s place in creation and our responsibility to it?
by Andrew S. Kulikovsky
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
05 Aug 2010
Is the long ‘recurrent laryngeal nerve’ really an example of bad design? Atheopathic anti-creationists ignore all the other functions of its route.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why did God impose the death penalty for sin?
04 Aug 2010
The measure of God’s wrath against sin is the measure of His holiness.
by Russell Grigg
The tragic death of thought
03 Aug 2010
A short story about censorship of thought, academic freedom and the limitations of science—pithy quotations that reinforce the main points are listed as footnotes, to avoid spoiling the article’s flow.
by Shirley Heavenor
Why does science work at all?
11 Oct 2023
The Bible provides all the necessary assumptions, but atheistic evolution can’t.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Do creationists hate science?
31 Jul 2010
Rather than hating science, the biblical worldview gave birth to science
by Lita Sanders
Is the fish really our ancestor?
30 Jul 2010
A review of Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin
by Colin Mitchell
Are we nothing more than a bag of chemicals?
29 Jul 2010
An academic takes evolution to its logical conclusion—since people are essentially just rearranged pond scum in a Darwinian scenario, how can they be held responsible for committing crimes?
by Dominic Statham
Hitch-hiking insects
28 Jul 2010
A parasitic insect shows clever design. Does this fit into a good creation?
by Rodney McQueen
The Divine Engineer
27 Jul 2010
An engineering student reviews By Design, noting how many sound engineering principles are used in nature, in such a variety of ways.
by E. van Niekerk
‘Millions of years’ are missing
26 Jul 2010
An experienced biologist and geologist points out the ‘flat gaps’ in the geological record.
by Jonathan Sarfati