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The Potter’s Hands
16 Oct 2017
The human hand is “one of nature’s marvels”, and a huge challenge to robotics engineers wanting to replicate it.
by David Catchpoole
The sounds of long-dead languages
14 Oct 2017
Many ancient people left a written record of the spoken word, but it takes hard work to understand the texts.
by Dr Murray Adamthwaite
The ‘Great Unconformity’ and associated geochemical evidence for Noahic Flood erosion
13 Oct 2017
Only a catastrophic flood can account for the world’s largest and most intriguing geological feature.
by Harry Dickens
Engaging the transgender debate with truth and grace
12 Oct 2017
A new book helps Christians to tackle a controversial topic.
by Lita Sanders
Australia’s Aborigines … did they see dinosaurs?
11 Oct 2017
Eyewitness testimony from native peoples leaves no doubt that they lived with creatures which today we know as dinosaurs.
by Rebecca Driver
Luther’s Legacy
10 Oct 2017
Luther’s convictions can be summarized in three great issues that form the basis of the Reformation, and hence of today’s Protestantism: Faith alone, Scripture alone, and the priesthood of all believers.
by Russell Grigg
Mercator’s Projections
09 Oct 2017
Mercator’s rectangular map of the word has revolutionized navigation ever since he published it in 1569.
by Russell Grigg
Why do people worship false gods?
07 Oct 2017
Why do people engage in idolatry? And how do we engage cultists?
by Lita Sanders
The uniformitarian puzzle of mountaintop planation surfaces
06 Oct 2017
Uniformitarian scientists cannot explain how planation surfaces exist throughout the world, but the evidence clearly points to the biblical Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Are you a radical Christian?
05 Oct 2017
Christians are often encouraged to be more ‘radical’ about our faith, but do we have the right fuel?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Martin Luther: the monk who shook the world
03 Oct 2017
Martin Luther’s conflict with the sale of indulgences gave rise to the three great principles of Protestantism: Faith alone, Scripture alone, and the priesthood of all believers.
by Russell Grigg
The challenge of ancient ice ages answered
02 Oct 2017
When it’s a gigantic underwater landslide formed during Noah’s Flood.
by Michael J. Oard