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Countering revisionism—part 1: Ernst Haeckel, fraud is proven
08 Mar 2013
Attempts have been made recently to rehabilitate Haeckel’s embryos. Such attempts fail miserably.
by E van Niekerk
Critic ignores reality of Genetic Entropy
07 Mar 2013
Can beneficial mutations outweigh destructive mutations? Creationist geneticist Dr John Sanford rebuts criticisms and accusations from a theistic evolutionist.
by John Sanford
With Christ—Dr Duane T. Gish (1921–2013)
06 Mar 2013
Dr Duane T. Gish (1921–2013), biochemist and creationist pioneer.
by Carl Wieland
David Attenborough’s First Life: Conquest
30 Aug 2022
Sir David tells the evolutionary story of how life proliferated on Earth, but the evidence he offers comfortably supports creation.
by Russell Grigg
Signs point people the wrong way
04 Mar 2013
How a small wording to a tourist sign changes the way people look at the landscape.
by Tas Walker
Defending Faith of Our Fathers
03 Mar 2013
Dr Chan Kei Thong, author of Faith of our Fathers, answers a critical review.
by Chan Kei Thong
Has the universe always existed?
02 Mar 2013
How and where does God fit into the scheme of all things?
by Carl Wieland
The Bible … on the History Channel?
01 Mar 2013
How did they do fitting the Bible into a 10 hour TV series?
by Lita Cosner and Scott Gillis
My Journey
28 Feb 2013
A medical missionary now believes in biblical creation and thinks that it is very important.
by Dr Robert Gurney
Cheating with chance
27 Feb 2013
Why analogies like the lottery and rare poker hands don’t rebut the miniscule chance of abiogenesis.
by Don Batten
David Attenborough’s First Life: Arrival
25 Aug 2022
Attenborough tells the evolutionary story of how life started on Earth, but the fossils at the locations shown are problems for evolution rather than proof thereof.
by Russell Grigg
Rapping for the Creator
25 Feb 2013
Creation rap group shows that a controversial musical genre can glorify the Creator
by Gary Bates