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Is God unjust for sending people to Hell?
27 Jul 2020
Many people object to the doctrine of eternal conscious punishment. How do we respond?
by Lita Sanders
Too much heat in Noah’s Flood?
25 Jul 2020
Did the physical mechanisms that operated during the Flood generate too much heat for Noah and the Ark to survive?
by Shaun Doyle
More evidence for the reality of genetic entropy—update
24 Jul 2020
Did the 1918 Spanish Flu virus really go extinct, as genetic entropy predicted?
by Robert W. Carter
Catastrophic Caves: Untold secrets of Planet Earth by Vance Nelson
21 Jul 2020
Noah’s Flood is the key to understand the rapid formation of caverns.
by Joel Tay
SETI@home project closing down
20 Jul 2020
The crowdsourced search for intelligent extraterrestrials known as SETI@home has shut down after two decades of failed searching.
by Paul Price, Gary Bates
Was the Bible updated?
18 Jul 2020
We answer the question: Was the Bible’s text updated by later scribes?
by Lita Sanders
New book offers comprehensive critique of theistic evolution
17 Jul 2020
A comprehensive critique of theistic evolution.
by Lita Sanders
The Salt Range saga
16 Jul 2020
The Salt Range of Pakistan has yielded some very interesting fossils—that according to evolution should not have been found!
by Paul Price
Sir David Brewster—scientist, creationist, preacher
15 Jul 2020
The field of modern optics owes much to the creationist who invented the kaleidoscope two centuries ago. 
by Effie Munday
I’m now a tour guide
14 Jul 2020
How do I include a creation perspective?
by Tas Walker
Jettisoning Genesis and the silent genocide
13 Jul 2020
The astonishing numbers of abortions performed each year is indicative of the complete loss of society’s Judeo-Christian foundations, which should drive Christians to their knees in prayer.
by Gavin Cox
Answering coronavirus and flat earth questions
11 Jul 2020
Is coronavirus the start of the end times? And if flat earth is wrong, why isn’t the entire universe backlit by stars?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter