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A brief response to anti-creationist books
23 Dec 2009
A brief response to anti-creationist books
by Don Batten
‘Creationist letter’ published in The Church of England Newspaper
22 Dec 2009
This letter was sent to the Church of England Newspaper by one of CMI’s supporters in response to recent correspondence about creation. We share it here as a great example of a polite-but-challenging letter.
by Duncan Reeve
Evolution: an ancient pagan idea
21 Dec 2009
If you think evolution and old-earth beliefs are modern ideas, think again: the early defenders of the Christian faith refuted these ideas from the ancient pagans.
by Paul James-Griffiths
Is the earth really only 6,000 years old?
19 Dec 2009
Some Christians are ‘uncomfortable’ about believing something ‘dogmatically’.
by Lita Cosner, Don Batten
Dinosaur demise did not jump start mammal evolution
18 Dec 2009
Another long-cherished evolutionary ‘truth’ falls by the wayside.
by Michael J. Oard
Darwin’s bodysnatchers: new horrors
16 Dec 2009
People deliberately killed to provide ‘specimens’ for evolutionary research.
by Carl Wieland
Did Darwin Kill God
15 Dec 2009
A recent television charade promotes theistic evolution. But why would the BBC produce such a film?
by Russell Grigg
‘Exceptionally preserved jellyfishes’
14 Dec 2009
In Origin of Species, Darwin wrote that ‘No organism wholly soft can be preserved’.
by David Catchpoole
When is “Intelligent intervention” acceptable?
12 Dec 2009
In trying to duplicate conditions whereby life is supposed to have arisen without intelligent intervention, evolutionists use intelligent intervention.
by JS & DC
Myriad mechanisms of Gene regulation
11 Dec 2009
Information is stored on the DNA molecule in cells astonishing ways, but equally astonishing is the way information is copied and used.
by Alex Williams
Rejecting Creation the movie: A business decision
10 Dec 2009
Was the BBC Darwin movie too evolved for U.S. audiences or too boring for investors to risk?
by Emil Silvestru
Spong is wrong
09 Dec 2009
See Bishop Spong apply Darwinism in the church; mutilates the Bible and destroys the gospel of Christ.