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Polystrate fossils:
21 Jul 2008
Fossil tree trunks spanning geological strata look like they grew in place, but closer inspection reveals a different story—evidence of catastrophe.
by Tas Walker
Mission not impossible!
18 Apr 2012
Eastern religions might have a superficial appeal to some, and have seemingly absorbed Darwinism readily, but only the Bible has the true answers that all need to hear.
by Russell Grigg
Germ’s miniature motor has a clutch
08 Jul 2008
The microscopic motor that powers a germ’s flagellum is a masterpiece of design. Discovery of a ‘clutch’ reinforces this.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Inexplicable insect metamorphosis
07 Jul 2008
The change of caterpillar to butterfly requires exquisite programming. But the origin of this programming baffles evolutionists.
by Daniel Devine
Karl Kruszelnicki: still missing the missing links
05 Jul 2008
Australian science personality Dr Karl Kruszelnicki takes creationists to task over transitional forms. Are his criticisms valid?
by Andrew Lamb
Theropod and sauropod dinosaurs sighted in PNG?
01 Jul 2008
People in the West New Britain region of Papua New Guinea have recounted seeing a creature ‘closely matching’ an artist’s reconstruction of a Therizinosaurus in a dinosaur handbook, except for the appearance of the head.
by Brian Irwin
Marvellous moth motif
30 Jun 2008
An amazing portrait of a mammal’s face—on the wings of a moth—defies Darwinian explanations in its sheer detail.
by Emil Silvestru
Refuting contrived pro-abortion arguments: the ‘famous violinist’ of Judith Jarvis Thomson
28 Jun 2008
Some pro-abortionist philosophers advance arguments of which even most pro-abort politicians are unaware. But they are important to answer, as the culture moves further from sanctity of innocent human life.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Lita Cosner
The Tower of Babel account affirmed by linguistics
26 Jun 2008
How the account in Genesis 11 accurately records the origin of different languages.
by K. J. Duursma
How potassium-argon dating works
24 Jun 2008
Why it has tended to reinforce what geologists already believed.
by Tas Walker
Life: a gift from God
23 Jun 2008
An intensive care specialist points out how doctors who have traditionally been taught to revere life are becoming increasingly caught up in a ‘culture of death’.
by Mathew Piercy
The stress/heat flow paradox of the San Andreas Fault, California
19 Jun 2008
What’s wrong with the traditional uniformitarian explanations of the San Andreas Fault?
by Michael J. Oard